RecordsKeeper - solution in the field of accounting and data security!

in #blockchain6 years ago

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No wonder our age is called - information. Yes, that's right, it is called a the minds of mankind. But this is not casual. With the advent of various technologies, every day in the world there are hundreds of trillions of terabytes of information. From which, most of the information is empty garbage, the other part of the information is very important and significant for any organization or person in General. However, all these data are flying on the Internet and are public and unfortunately, in most cases, not protected.

I think it is not necessary to explain the seriousness and importance of protecting certain data from any fraudsters, hackers and other individuals whose actions are aimed at stealing or illegal use of other people's data. However, no matter how advanced the modern man and the surrounding technology, not many companies and individuals can afford to use to store and transfer their data high security system. All because they simply do not have such large amounts of money that are necessary for its installation. Because of this, they remain vulnerable to all negative consequences.

Break this vicious circle, offers a team of specialists, which has developed a unique project that allows you to radically change the current situation related to the storage and transfer of data.

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Project and its idea

The project we will talk about today is called RecordsKeeper. This project is an open platform based on a multi-chain, designed for secure storage and transfer of data, both private and legal entities.the purpose of the project is simple enough and it is to ensure that everyone can not only use a structured and easily accessible platform, but also to verify the authenticity of any data, without the involvement of a third party. In fact, everything is very simple, and most importantly convenient and safe.

What is the security of the platform itself?

As you already know, blockchain technology is a transparent ecosystem where you can trace every transaction or action that has occurred. It is for this reason that the developers of RecordsKeeper resorted to using not just Blockchain technology, but its improved version of multichain. The use of multi-chain allows RecordsKeeper to achieve the most secure decentralized database storage. The main function of which is to ensure the integrity, security, and most importantly the authenticity of the data.

As I said before, absolutely anyone can use the Open recordskeeper data registry, while using the key and knowledge store to store and transfer their own data. All functions carried out within the framework of the platform will be performed using the internal xrk token.

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How it works?

To make it more clear how it all works in practice, I propose to consider a small example:

Let's say you have a set of valuable information that you would like to not only securely store, but also in the future to transfer it safely. To do this, you need to purchase a small amount of xrk tokens to your personal wallet (XRK). After that, you select the files you need on your device and upload them to the RecordsKeeper multi-store. In parallel, YOU pay for the download of your data with xrk tokens. The whole process is fixed in the key-value format. This principle allows in the future using this key to use their data for transfer to other persons or for their own use. After the miner confirms your operation, a new block of data (with your data) is created in the storage, receiving a small reward in return. That's how easy and simple the whole RecordsKeeper system works. Convenient is not it?

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The advantages of RecordsKeeper are obvious:

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I think these kinds of projects just like a breath of fresh air. First, they solve the main problems of our days, the security and safety of genuine data. Secondly, the user-friendly and concise interface allows even a beginner to cope with all operations quickly and without the participation of any third parties. Third, this platform has a number of additional functions and tools, thanks to which you will be able to carry out many more interesting things within the ecosystem.

Therefore, my friend, I recommend you not to waste time, but to look through the official site of the project, to study its whitepaper. By the way it is translated in many languages, I think you will find something suitable. And also, I recommend you look at their media resources, where you will learn the latest news.

All official links are available below:




@sergeyklimenok Blockchain will gonna replace all system. just keep on seeing Block chain.

What we do has begun for you and your post.

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