IB: What I learned about Americans- 2016 election games post analysis

in #conservative8 years ago (edited)

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Original Source 

Agent One
Intelligence Hunter-Gatherer

Freedom of assembly is one of the fundamental rights for The Americans. Freedom of assembly is one way Americans can show their disapproval of certain public actions. For example many Americans have protested against the results of the election. The goal of protesting is to express the ideas and wants of one groups problems with another group.What problems are some of the Americans protesting? Before we can understand what Americans are protesting, we must first understand the moral frameworks of Americans.


We live in a massive country. The 3 dominate moral frameworks of Americans are:

  • Conservative
  • Liberal
  • Libertarian

Conservative Americans and Liberal Americans are the two dominate moral frameworks of the majority of voters. Libertarian Americans are the minority moral frameworks of other voters. Each group can be categorized and better understood by the patterns of their primary moral reasoning.


Jonathan David Haidt, a social psychologists who specializes in the psychology of morality, and his team have developed a tool people can use as a compass for better understanding peoples world-views. The tool I am referring to is the "Moral Foundations Theory". The purpose of this theory is to explain "what" type of thinking causes the "why's" of human moral reasoning and decisions.

Haidt and his team have distilled peoples decision making process into 6 primary moral reasoning components. These components can be used as a cognitive map for building emotional and intellectual bridges with others. Each primary reasoning term is a reference anchor to "why" certain groups might make certain decisions. Each group has a primary reasoning pattern that can and must be analyzed to better understand each other.



feels the need and want to cherish and protect others.


renders justice according to groups shared rules.


the desire for personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression; loathes tyranny.


the act of standing with your in-group, family, or nation intellectually or emotionally, to a course of action.


obeying tradition and experts whose views are taken as definitive.


believes traditional lifestyle behaviors are worthy of respect or dedication.


Conservatives who voted Republican tend to have:

  • Group primary reasoning:
    • Traditional
    • Authoritative
    • Sanctity
  • Subset reasoning:
    • Liberty
    • Fairness
    • Care

Liberals who voted Democratic tend to have:

  • Group primary reasoning:
    • Fairness
    • Care

Libertarians who voted tend to have:

  • Group primary reasoning:
    • Liberty
    • Fairness

Each of the 6 primary reasoning components also has an opposite reactionary components. The best way to think of a groups primary reasoning pattern is to visualize the Ying/Yang sign. Each moral reasoning framework has an opposite state if the primary moral foundation is attacked. For example:

  • The opposite state of "Care is Harm".
  • The opposite state of "Fairness is Cheating".
  • The opposite state of "Liberty is Tyranny".
  • The opposite state of "Loyalty is Betrayal".
  • The opposite state of "Authority is Subversion".
  • The opposite state of "Sanctity is Degradation".

The reactionary states can be the first place to analyze when conflict between groups of Americans occurs. For example: Many Americans who voted Democratically might have a mental state of feeling as if those who voted Republican want to "harm" their particular lifestyles. While the other Americans who voted Republican might have a mental state of feeling as if those who voted Democratically don't "value" the "sanctity" for "traditional" American lifestyles. The disconnect of communicating a factual understanding for each large group of Americans has been one of the failures of main stream media.


The 2016 election games are over. The world has witnessed 61 million Republican Americans elect the idea of Donald Trump as president. Many Liberal Americans did not think this could happen because their information sources on Facebook, CNN, NPR, or MSNBC informed them Hillary Clinton was leading the polls. What happened?

Its not the Liberals fault. What we've had is our first election games in which a citizen can "self select" their own sources of news.

We learned that 132 million Americans live in their own ideological landscapes. The two lands of liberal world and conservative world.

The upcoming time period can allow the people who live in conservative land and liberal land to better understand each others moral foundations. For example:

  • The entire American population is 324 million people.
  • The total number of Americans who voted in the 2016 election games was 132 million. Plus 899,453 additional votes.
  • 63 million Americans voted Democratic. Plus 551,979 additional votes.
  • 61 million Americans voted Republican. Plus 898,584 additional votes.
  • Donald Trump had 306 electoral votes.
  • Hillary Clinton had 232 electoral votes.
  • The United States of America is a Federal Republic

What we have seen could be categorized as "disappointment" from a "Liberal" American perspective. The Liberal American voters are exercising their right to protests because of the election results. The 63 million Democratic Americans who voted for the idea of Hillary Clinton as president are defending the ideas of the type of nation they want.


Fear is a powerful emotion. Historically when groups of Americans have perceived a threat to their way of living, the groups tend to react in one of two ways:

  • civil protest
  • violent protest

The reaction to the 2016 election games has been mixed. Mostly civil protests has occurred, but there have been violent protests reported in certain areas as well. What is it that 63 million Democratic Americans fear enough to protest?


What we "think" we know Liberal Americans are protesting about is they "feel" 61 million Republican Americans have voted for a person who represents the ideas of:


a person with the emotion of intense dislike


a person that prejudges groups of people based on a preference towards other groups of people, which prevents an objective consideration of an issue or situation.


a person whit an abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign.


a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.


a person who has a hatred of women


a person with a belief that one racial group is superior to others.


a person with an irrational fear of homosexual people.

White nationalist

a person who prefers their specific white ethnic group.

These terms have be unpacked to understand "what" Liberal Americans fear. Each of these words provides a bridge to better understand a Liberal Americans perceived fears. Imagine having a mental image of the worst historical times in American history being acted out in present-real time. This is the fear of the Liberal.


How would you feel if you believed the President could bring back segregation and discrimination to millions of Americans because of their "ethnic identity"?

How would you feel if you believed the President could bring back segregation and discrimination to millions of Americans because of their "sexual identity"? 

How would you feel if you believed the President could bring back segregation and discrimination to millions of Americans because of their "gender identity"? 

These are the beliefs of the protesters of the 2016 election games. Liberal Americans are afraid of ideas because of the type of news media they gathered. If the media reports certain news; how often do you check the validity of the sources? Personally, I don't have the time to check all the sources. So my default is to trust what the news media reports, which should help me orient my views of reality. Why? Because the job of news media is to present the facts of situations that concern our reality. The media has failed millions of Americans in this capacity.


Around 132 Million Americans voted in the 2016 election games.

63 million Americans voted Democratic.

61 million Americans voted Republican.

Donald Trump won the presidential election based on the "election game rules". 

Hillary Clinton conceded to the results of the "election game", even though she "won" the popular.

There is no data or evidence which shows Donald Trump or 61 million Americans who voted Republican are:

  • Hateful
  • Prejudice
  • Xenophobic
  • Bigots
  • Misogynists
  • Racists
  • Homophobics
  • White Nationalists


Facts are how we orient our objective reality. Feelings are how we orient our subjective reality. These two methods of understanding reality should be based on facts and truths, regardless of ones "moral framework". Understanding the "what" and "why" of our subjective feelings origins can allow us to better communicate with other world-views.

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