
Hello Steemit! I’m glad to be here. My name is Rory, I’m 22 and living in Northern Vermont. All my life I’ve loved nature; the plants and the animals. Growing up I always worked in my mothers’ gardens with her and when I was about 16 I began studying herbalism.

It was this study that has set the main course of my life. A few years into it I was introduced to essential oils and I was quick to fall down that rabbit hole. The history of essential oils is the history of us. They encompass every aspect of the beginning of human civilization from medicine and economy to war and spirituality.

Being the life blood of the plant, it’s “spirit,” essential oils were used for centuries by alchemists in their quest for answers, to know how the universe works [not necessarily the quest to transform a base metal into gold]. And that quest is still going on today.

Quantum Theory has revolutionized the way we view the world and the way we view life. I am fascinated by all of its implications and just how closely it relates to the direction in which this world is headed. Namely the fact that science has within the last few decades discovered the fact that our physical universe is made up purely of energy. This only confirms what multiple religions and scientific theories have expressed throughout history. Essential oils play a big part in changing the frequencies of our own energies and of those of our environments. It is my belief that the collection vibration of the world has lowered resulting in the madness we see today. But on the bright side, things are still better than we have ever known and they will soon get better, because natures abhors a vacuum and the only constant in life is change.

Outside of my day job working in an animal shelter, I study all that I can about herbalism, the natural sciences, history [particularly ancient history and archeology], and even theology and spirituality because healing can only happen when body, mind and spirit are treated together. This is why I was so excited to have found such a great opportunity in Young Living Essential Oils. As a part-time side business I am a distributor for this amazing company that produces the best quality essential oils that I know of.

So in addition to learning how to take care of myself and my animals, in addition to learning the beauty secrets used throughout the ages and in addition to becoming familiar with what constitutes a healthy, balanced lifestyle- one that is in even in harmony with Nature- I get paid to share all this learning. It’s my own little way of [hopefully] making the world a better place.

Yet for 2 years I have struggled with this because I am not a people person. I do not go out and approach strangers for anything. That’s a bit of an issue when you’re in a sales position… However I am happy to put myself out there and have people approach me if they’re interested in what I have to offer. This is why I was so excited to have discovered Steemit!

I find this platform fascinating for its core foundational concept of quality over quantity and the Free Market principle to let the people choose. I believe these are what foster intelligent conversation and debate. I am very happy to be a part of it…

If you’d like to know more about Young Living or their products, you can sign up for my newsletter at http://semperflorens.marketingscents.com.


welcome from another newbie ;)

Welcome to Steemit, @semperflorens!

This is a very well-done introduction post, so kudos to you for taking the time to share all of this information about yourself and your goals on the platform. There's a lot to learn, but I'm sure in time you'll figure everything out.

It will be interesting to see what perspectives you bring to the platform, and I'm sure that you'll be able to experience many intelligent conversations with other users here.

I always give the same advice to all new Steemians, so I'll leave these tips here for you in hopes that they will help you along the way.

  • Familiarize yourself with the way the platform works by browsing the FAQs.

  • Check out the Steemit Etiquette Guide for tips on how to interact with others in the community and how to introduce yourself to everyone.

  • If you'd like some advice on how to make your posts great, take a look at this guide I posted about polishing your posts.

  • Finally, when it comes to commenting, check out this guide that will get you on the road to becoming a comment expert!

I'll be following along to take a look at your future posts, but if you're interested in plugging into a community that focuses on supporting its members and curating great content, look no further than The Unmentionables. Come check us out!

The rest is up to you, so best wishes and happy Steeming!

Thanks for the tips! And yes I'll definitely check it out.

Welcome, @semperflorens!

This is a FASCINATING entry. I'll need to read it slowly tomorrow, because there is so much to learn here. Thank you for sharing.

Anything you need to know about this platform, i'd be happy to help! You would honor me if you follow me at @flashfiction.

see you!

Thanks so much!

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