Sharing is caring... and just plain smart.

in #money7 years ago

We all know that curation is king here at Steemit... right? Upvotes make the blockchain go round and all that. After all, that's the main thing that separates us from the likes of reddit/facebook. You actually get paid to post AND to vote/like posts other people make. Super cool!

Well... you should also be sharing.

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Why? Well... one thing we can probably agree on is that Twitter and Facebook are RAGING successes... right? Know why? Hint: It's not because people were desperately in need of another picture of green beans with 30 filters added to it. It's because content on there becomes viral. Because you know what everyone around you likes (because the platform makes sure to tell you!) and they know what you like, and you share what they shared and you like what they liked, and so on and so on, and so on... and it just plain fucking works. It works so well entire careers are made out of figuring out how to get enough shit in front of people that eventually some of it sticks and explodes like a Samsung phone.

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And not cheap careers... Social Platform experts end up making well into the 6 figure range for knowing how that craps works. Literally getting paid to know how to be really really really good at Facebook.
(I mean, technically I get paid for that too, my boss just doesn't realize it...)

So... then... how does that effect us here? Well... Steemit isn't FB. It doesn't bog us down with annoying little nag posts that tell us "John Doe and Jane Smith both liked this post by Larry about how he can't get the batteries out of his Gasatron 3000 vibrator!" No... here we're pretty much on our own. Sure... we have Trending, Hot, and the infamous "I write this crap and if I pay enough maybe you'll love me even though my parents never really did" Promoted sections. But that's pretty limited. Aside form that we have the unending spam of the PostPromotion sections of assorted discord channels that no one really goes to, and a few of our favorite tags we sometimes remember to check.

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Oh... and our feed. Our feed is where we really have the best odds. We've followed a decent group of people who post shit we're interested in, and we go through mostly voting in there. Inevitably, this (should) be where most of your curation happens.

"Ok... so I see stuff I like... I upvote it. That's the deal. Why share it?"

Well... coverage. Plain and simple. When you upvote, that curation means fuckall to you. If you upvote a post and it dies, not one single vote more, you get a big whopping zero for your spent vote power. Sounds awesome right!? Yeah... no. No, the money form curation comes in when OTHER people start voting BEHIND you. And... if they don't see the post... guess what they don't vote on...

Not only does it get it in front of pretty much all of your followers, it tells them that YOU liked it already. If they're following you, there's a pretty good chance they like the same stuff you do... so they will probably like this. So they will probably vote on this. So you will probably get more rep and curation rewards from this. All from a ReSteem... which is free. With any luck, if everyone just follows this advice, then THEY will share it. And their whole followers group will see it, and so on and so on and so on.

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Next thing you know we're all sipping drinks with fruit in the glass on a beach somewhere laughing about how much money we made all because of my one little post... and then the 50,000 shares and upvotes that followed it. And yours. And yours. And yours. And mine again, because I'm a little greedy [checks self-vote box]. And yours.

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