in #steemitknockoutseries7 years ago (edited)



Why the final season?? Well as you all know the first 3 seasons were really fun and I met some really good people along the way. Steemit however does not have all the right functions to get mentions to users as fast and easy as possible. Fewer players joined and participated and in the end I felt like it generated quite a bit of clutter in my feed. Sadly this will be the last season(unless we get more players and higher participation rates) Since it is the last season I will go a bit crazy with it. Read the rules and let's get this Final started!

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Knockout Series Explained

Everyone who replies with "ENTER FS" in the comment section of this post will be entered into the game. After 72 hours registration is closed. All new entries after 72 hours will not be able to join. After the closing time we will have many players that will be randomly placed into a knockout style chart similar to this one:


The chart will be adjusted according to how many players enter. After the 72 hours allocated for entry I will create a new post at random with everyone mentioned in the post. The new post will be called "STEEMIT KNOCKOUT SERIES THE FINALS SEASON | ROUND 1". You will get notified that you have been mentioned in my post. (For help on getting notifications Click here). You need to reply to that post as soon as you can to knockout your opponent and move up in the charts.

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  • You have to reply with the KEYPICTURE or KEYGIF to the "STEEMIT KNOCKOUT SERIES | ROUND #" before your opponent does to knock them out and advance to the next round. SPEED IS KEY HERE.

For example: If the KEYGIF: "FAN" you need to post a .gif containing a fan.

  • Depending on the amount of players I will work out how many rounds we need to go.
  • Each Knockout window will last 4 hours. In this time frame you have to be extremely alert and ready to reply!

Round 1 - Could come at any time within a 4 hour window after registration (72 hours after this post).
Round 1 Post will say what time Round 2 window will be opened in UTC time. Each window will last 4 hours.
Round 2 Post will be posted anywhere within the 4 hour window mentioned time in Round 1. Round 2 will then also mention new window that Round 3 might be posted.

Same rules for the rest of the rounds.

  • It is possible that not all players will take part in Round One in order to balance the charts. Players will be entered into the charts at random. Keep in mind, if you are mentioned in the KNOCKOUT ROUND REPLY you need to respond ASAP.

  • If two players have not knocked each other out before the new KNOCKOUT ROUND REPLY there will be a coin flip to decide who gets knocked out and who moves on.

  • The Entry Date will end on July 19th at EXACTLY 08:00 UTC time. Any new replies will not qualify

Current UTC Time

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Prize Pool - 10 SBD + 100% of all the SBD earned by the posts of this season.

1st place: 50%

2nd place: 35%

3rd place: 15%

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Remember to:

* Vote = Higher Prize Pool

* Resteem = More players, more rounds, more prize money!

* Be ALERT! = The KNOCKOUT ROUND REPLY could strike at any moment!

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Entrants who joined in earlier @bshadoww @xyzashu @oleg326756 @modnar @kubbyelizabeth @leconnaisseur @theversatileguy

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Let the commenting commence!

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I made this post (Steemit Notifications ) specifically for this game. Go check it out, it might be crucial to your survival here.

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Thank you for reading! Steem on Steemians!



ENTER FS Argh, now what , lmao!

Hahaha! Then you wait for the next post fpr Round 1 and reply ASAP! Registered!

Registered! =)

Registered! =)

Registered! =) Thanks for playing again!


Registered! =)

Registered! =)

Registered! =)

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