▶️ Discussing EtherChest With Daniel Pittman | EP#368

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

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I had the opportunity to interview Daniel Pittman from EtherChest. We discussed Ethereum, staking, Ethereum 2.0, NFTs, passive income, and much more. Learn all about what EtherChest does and how you can stake Ethereum without a huge ETH requirement.

EtherChest is an Ethereum validator ecosystem on the Ethereum 2.0 (Medalla) blockchain. Their aim is to make staking easy. They achieve this with a unique NFT approach called Gems and Ducats. They provide a way for users with less than 32 Ethereum to stake in on the Ethereum Blockchain within their Ecosystem and gain access to three different earning paths, nonfungible tokens, decentralized exchanges, and NFT markets.

Their erc20 tokens (Ducats) efficiently allow users to use their dust to mint tokens, use them to buy gems from users, and trade them on third-party exchanges.
Their erc721 tokens (Gems) provide proof-of-ownership and entry to block validation rewards within the EtherChest Ecosystem.

These are some of the questions we went over:
• Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
• How and when did you originally get into cryptocurrency
• Can you give us a brief introduction to EtherChest?
• What problem does EtherChest solve?
• What can people expect regarding gas fees?
• How do you tokenize ETH staking?
• How did EtherChest get its name and what was the original idea or motivation to start it?
• What are the next big updates for EtherChest to release soon or that are in the works?
• Where does EtherChest fit in with other existing similar projects?
• Where do you see EtherChest going in the next year? The next 5 years?
• What insights or ideas do you have to share about Ethereum 2.0?
• If any crypto influencer could join EtherChest who would you choose?
• So where can everyone go to learn more about this?

Check out https://etherchest.com/ for more information and to learn more about what they have to offer.

What do you think about EtherChest? What do you think about Ethereum gas fees and Ethereum 2.0? Will you be staking with EtherChest? Do you know of anything else similar to this? Let us know if you have any further questions on EtherChest in the comments below and don’t forget to like and subscribe as well!

This is a LBRY first video meaning it shows up on LBRY at least 1 hour ahead of anywhere else.

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