Two More US States to vote for Legalisation of Marijuana

in #marijuana6 years ago


There are lots of reasons to be happy today.

Another jurisdiction legalises the medicinal use of marijuana in the UK is one of those reasons.

Also, with the upcoming Nov. 6th elections in the US, a few more states are holing Proposals to legalise cannabis.

Michigan is one of those and there are some interesting statistics that have been released o the pro and anti sides of the campaign.

Here are some of the arguments being put forward:

Increase in Traffic Incidents

The anti campaign argu that there will certainly be an increase in marijuana related traffic accidents. An interesting stat fromColorado is that in 2016, 8% of accidents were attributed to cannabis whereas 26% were attributed to alcohol use i the same year. Yes there may be an increase, but it would be significantly less than that caused by alcohol.


Too much money is being spent on policing low-level marijuana offences. Legalisation will free up police resources to chase more violent offences.

Tax Revenue

This will be significant for the state. Imagine an additional billion dollars in revenue for a state to spend on other vital services. This is a big ticket item for the pro campaign.

Medical Benefits

We already know that cannabis has various benefits medicinal benefits and this alone should be enough for the pro legalisation side.

There will be plenty of discussion to be had and significant amounts of money have been donated to both sides of the campaign.

North Dakota is the other state looking at legalisation of recreational marijuana so that alone will add some spice to Election Day......... Not really giving a shit about who gets elected to be honest. It’s all about the pot.....

Thanks for reading.



This is admirable and excellent

It's amazing what the US spend on keeping drugs illegal whilst simultaneously losing out on so much tax revenue. Surprising really given how much those in power generally like money

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