Long Exposure: Fish ladder 2 / Langzeitbelichtung: Fischtreppe 2

Fish ladder 2 / Fischtreppe 2

My second point of view shows more details of the fish ladder, almost every meter there is so much new to discover and I hope you like it!

Mein zweiter Standpunkt zeigt weitere Details der Fischtreppe, beinahe jeden Meter gibt es soviel neues zu entdecken und ich hoffe es gefällt euch!

ISO 100 • f/22 • 1 sec

ISO 100 • f/22 • 1.3 sec

ISO 100 • f/22 • 1.3 sec

ISO 100 • f/22 • 1.3 sec

ISO 100 • f/6.3 • 1/160 sec (no ND-filter)

Canon EOS 200D with ND-filter


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


It's truly beautiful! Well captured and really nice collection of photography!


Beautiful photos @schamangerbert and every part of this stream is amazing in its own way!

An ordinary place can be a exceptional when you look at different view, lens may help you but did it very well.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sehr mystisch das Ergebnis. Resteemed :-)

@schamangerbert, Wow, water in a way is reflecting as Fog. 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Wonderful photo, this place look amazing with your photography. Specially about the water, good use of filter.

All of those photos look very good, i think you may took the photo of grass it will have some different appeal, great photography.

great photos especially of the river, where is it?

by the way here I leave you a translated post of the proposal that I send you by email


Nice shot. What is the main usefulness of the fish ladder

Fish can go around the dam to get further upstream.

Okay that is not pretty bad

That create a magical wave beautiful it turned out

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