Kerria japonica / Ranunkelstrauch - Macro-photography (Free Cultural Works by @schamangerbert)

in #gardening5 years ago


18 days ago I had already packed pictures of this plant in a puzzle. Now the shrub is in full bloom and pleases me each time I enter or leave the house. The branches with the withered flowers are now regularly cut back to stimulate another blossom. Enjoy the pictures!


Vor 18 Tagen hatte ich bereits Bilder dieser Pflanze in ein Rätsel verpackt. Nun ist der Strauch in voller Blüte und erfreut mich jedesmal wenn ich das Haus betrete oder verlasse. Die Zweige mit den verblühten Blüten weden nun regelmäßig zurückgeschnitten um eine weitere Blüte anzuregen. Viel Freude mit den Bildern!






Canon EOS 200D with Tamron Macro 60mm, all photos from today.
All photos are "Free Cultural Works" by @schamangerbert.
You are free to: Share, Adapt with Attribution and ShareAlike.

How-To Attribution


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Wow that tree looks so beautiful! Nice zoomed photography of it!


This adorable and charming of beautiful yellow flower, your garden is enriched with plenty of happiness.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is quite a big bush of yellow sprays!! I really would love to have these along the fence in my garden.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Epic truly those shots are beautiful

Very beautiful I find yellow so uplifting and happy.

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