Keeping Valuable Poured Silver RIGHT NEXT to the Melt Silver! What Could Go Wrong?

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago

I am holding these silver bars hostage. For one BILLION Satoshis!

There's THIS one:



And, THE OTHER one:

I don't remember where these silver bars came from. But they must have some significance. I'm sure they're special... I just can't recall. My memory isn't what it used to be. Here's a clue:

That Number... 21! I think that's the... age of the lady that makes these.

I don't know what I did, to get such nice pieces of silver, but I "must be doing something right".

Oh, well... Until I remember where I got these I'll just keep them here. Safe with all this melt silver.
I hope they don't fall in to the crucible along with the shot. That would be tragic! I'm still waiting on my ransom!

Thanks for playing along... that's some GOoood Stockholm Syndrome!

Sbs ChanBar2.gif

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ssg toon.jpeg


Keep them safe, my friend @sbsparts! It will break my heart and it will make me cry a river if those fall into the crucible.

Aww... don't cry chickabee. Most of my SteemIt posts are just silly. For instance... I didn't REALLY turn an elephant into a lion, lol. I saw that you'd asked if your bar was safe, so I got the crazy idea to 1) show them to you and 2) pretend they weren't safe. They're among my most valued community pours. Thanks @silversaver888!

ok at this point i will just sit in the corner quietly, pass me the hat with a D on it..... i thought you did turn the elephant into a lion! i will get me :)

You are a silly goose!

Careful there with those bars. Even I have to be careful with the way I handle bladed weaponry in a certain way. Will 106,340 satoshis do?

Beauty bars from a beautiful lady.👍

Two beautiful bars, mainly the diamond one.

I got a stack of 1/2 oz silver rounds I ordered from a few years ago. They look really cool. Have a patina to make them look older. I really wanted to get the silver shot like you and cast my own silver coins and whatnot but I don't really have the room where I'm at right now.

Don't let them go!

Saver bars are what melt-silver wishes to become!


These bars should be under unbreakable glass, just like in a museum, so you can see them all the time and you know they are safe!

Those are the decoy bars. The genuine bars are currently being guarded by a vampire dragon.

Brilliant collection of Silver Bars !!!

Wonderful collections of silver bars!

Hope you will get your expected price (Satoshis)!

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