CLUB100 // The Diary Game 3: Betterlife with Steem (11/12/2022)steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello Steem Cameroon...

We are still in a thanks giving period as this entire month of December was dedicated as a period of thanks giving. If you have been following my diaries, you'd noticed that i have been talking about thanks giving since the beginning of this month, especially on Sundays.

By 5am i jump down from my bed and did my morning routines as usual while preparing for my morning class which is usually online from 6am to 7am before going to church. Just as the class was cancelled the previous week, same thing happened this morning. Last week, the teacher said he was not feeling fine but this week he sent a message that he is in town and would rather prefer a physical class with us all. So we agreed to have a class on Tuesday from 7am til 3pm so we could catch up since we would probably be writing first semesters exams on January.

Since the class was cancelled, i prepared and left for church. I left the house around 7:30am and before 8am i was in church since there was no traffic early this morning. I didn't go with my personal saxophone since the church has one and its sounding good more than mine.
Few minutes later, my friends joined me as we played through out the service. Last Sunday was dedicated for praise and worship, this one was dedicated for Testimonies. After praise and worship, the pastor gave the opportunity to everyone to come up and testify what the Lord has done for them from the beginning of the year til present.

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We started giving testimonies from around 9am til about 11am after which the pastor came up and prayed for the testimonies, prayed for everyone and we finally ended the service in another session of praise.

After church service, i pleaded with the pastor if i could take the church saxophone home for my personal rehearsals and probably use it in an upcoming program i was invited to come play in Yaounde. Unfortunately for me, the pastor said no and that the saxophone is meant only to be used in church.

I left the church went back home to get my own saxophone and go to another concert i was invited this sunday and i was the main saxophonist. While i was in church, i got a text message from the guy connecting the sound that we all should be present at 11am for sound check and balance, and that if anyone comes after sound check and balance has been done, would probably not play in the program.

I got there by 1pm when sound check and balance was still going on, and since i know how strict the sound engineer is, i was scared to go give him my microphone to connect as i was late. I still gave him the mic anyways and he did the connection, and i was set to go.

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The program started at 2pm and ended around 7pm. Even when the program ended.. people didn't want to go home, even me. I wished the program could be all night.
The sound system was very perfect, we had guest from Yaounde, Douala, Buea and Bafoussam we came just for the program.
After the program ended around 7pm, i was tired and hungry. Before going home, i passed by one of my cousins and had something to eat before going home.

Some random pics taken withing and after the program.

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WhatsApp Image 2022-12-12 at 7.38.42 AM.jpeg


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