Will Humans In The Distant Future Choose To Live In Virtual Reality?

in GEMS4 years ago


Human life has evolved quite a lot in the past few decades. Our habits, our lifestyle and all other aspects of life have been influenced by the technological advancements that have happened since personal computers became a thing.

More than a century ago, cars had brought a similar change in how humans lived. Before cars, it was the train. The point is, with each new level of technological prowess, our lifestyle changes. It always has and it always will.

In the future, there are so many developments that will shape human life. It is almost impossible to predict what life would be like merely a century from now. That's how fast and how significantly the world changes.

In the more distant future, even bizarre predictions might become a normal thing. One of these is that humans could choose to live in virtual reality instead of the real one.

Virtual Life

This prediction for the future sounds eerie and is something akin to the movie Matrix. The idea is that there will be a common virtual world (a virtual reality) where we will all be able to participate through the internet and tiny wearable devices.

Virtual reality is already quickly becoming a thing, especially during the current pandemic. Since people can't meet in the real world, they are meeting in the virtual world like virtual meetings, virtual cinema halls, virtual concerts, etc.

Right now the graphics in virtual reality are really basic. They feel like the graphics of video games in the 90s. But, as we have already seen with the evolution of video games, they will quickly start looking very real. It is then that the idea will become a real possibility.

It will be so advanced that we wouldn't be able to tell the difference from reality. Once that happens, one can see why people would choose to spend a lot of their time in the virtual world. It would have all the great things about reality but without any restrictions. Not even the laws of Physics would matter there.

It would be like being able to consciously live in your dreams. No restrictions and all the fun you can imagine. If the future of humans figure out a way where money ain't an issue anymore, I am sure they will spend most of their times in virtual reality. It would be a strange and ghastly world for sure though!!

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