Things That Don't Make Sense In Zombie Movies And TV Shows

in #zombies6 years ago


The other day I was watching an episode of AMC's Fear The Walking Dead, a spinoff of the highly popular post apocalyptic show 'The Walking Dead'. I have loved both these TV shows since the beginning as I think they are really well made.

Also I am someone who likes the action and zombie movies or TV shows have plenty of action and nail-biting moments in them to keep me satisfied. Yet, sometimes you just can't help but notice the numerous cliches that have been highly overused, to say the least.

In fact, in that last episode I was watching, I kind of felt like these cliches were getting to a point where the writers are just getting lazy and can't come up with new ways to keep the audience interested.

Then there are some things that don't make sense at all and leave you with no choice but to roll your eyes and carry on, because let's face it, you're not going to stop watching any time soon. Let me talk about some of these things in this post.

Teleporting Zombies


No zombies are not shown teleporting from one place to another using high tech machines. But often it happens that there is not even a single zombie in sight and when a character takes the wrong turn, a zombie suddenly appears out of nowhere.

The thing is that, a zombie is supposed to be this rotting piece of corpse that would smell from even a distance away. And they're always groaning, so at least you can hear them coming from a distance.

Yet, we have seen countless times these zombies appear out of nowhere and eat our beloved (or hated) characters making their deaths seem 'unnatural' or forced to be more precise.

Nobody Uses The Word 'Zombie'


I have watched countless episodes of zombie TV shows and also most of the movies about them and in almost none of them people use the word 'zombie'. It's almost as if they live in this alternate reality where zombies have simply never existed in their fiction and movies.

We can always hear the characters using words like 'walkers', 'biters', 'skin munchers' or other terms but never do they use the word 'zombie' which is what one would expect.

I mean that is the first word that comes into the mind when you see the undead walking about happily munching away at the living. I wonder what is up with that!

Cars Work Even After Years of Rusting


So, our hero is running away from a hoard of zombies and he is quickly getting surrounded from all directions. (Zombie teamwork is another cliche, but I guess that is plausible).

Anyways, the hero quickly gets into an old rusty car that probably had been lying idle by the side of the road for months if not years and it starts off flawlessly and just in the nick of time, he escapes!

I mean how can that be possible? The battery would of course be dead or there would be no air in the tyres or there would be some sort of corrosion preventing a quick start. But nope, when the plot demands it, the car shall start up!

Where's The Military?


Most of the zombie shows focus on a central group of characters that survive for the longest of time as the story unfolds. But they simply do not give details on how the zombie apocalypse came to be in the first place.

The natural question that we all have then is that, wouldn't the armies of the world take care of the first zombies and never let it spread in the first place? I mean we've watched so many movies where the armies defeat alien beings, and they are supposed to be more advanced than us.

Contrast that to the dumb zombies that simply walk slowly and eat any unsuspecting humans (or animals) and one would think that they would be far easier to dispose off for the armies. But alas, we'll never know!!


I think that most militaries are like most police. They can fire off a lot of bullets,and out of 100 rounds fired ten might actually hit a target. Now add in that the only way to kill a zombie is to shoot it in the head, and well the military is just over run at all points, and the zombies make more zombies out of the soldiers.

Now as 18 year old son of the president, I fly off to the USS Nimitz with 4 girlfriends in tow, and we set out to sea to wait out the apocalypse of the zombies. Pretty soon, since along with being the Presidents oh oh so Handsome son, I am also on the payroll as assistant to the secretary of the president of the united states.

Well it seems that some flunky intern in the house of congress went nuts and started biting a lot of people making them turn into zombies, and boom in hours the white house and the government is all gone and I am the only surviving member of the Office of the President, and even though I was like number 2382 person on the list of succession, I am now the President by defunt.

Oh and the other thing about zombie movies, why are only humans affected, why no zombie cows?

Well, I think in the initial stages, zombies could be contained if military actions are undertaken swiftly. Militaries would definitely be better than the police and a team of well trained soldiers could probably take out like a lot of the initial bunch. It is only if things are really out of hand that it might become improbable to take the situation under control. Just my 2 cents.

Yeah, but then there would be no movie. LoL. No opportunity for hollywood, bollywood, or the something wood in S. Africa, to show how inept militaries are around the world. No huge comedy of errors to create. And of course there will always be that group of people that say "You just don't understand them", as they are getting their brains sucked out by the "misunderstood zombies".LoL.

LOL!! You make a very good point. I am literally laughing here hahahahaha

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