Discussing Success With Your Family

in #motivation3 years ago

A discussion on success and pursuing your big dreams can be beneficial in a lot of ways. You might realize that all the talk about success makes you feel good. Perhaps you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment after you achieve one of your goals. Or you may discover that your children understand what you're doing and appreciate the challenge. Regardless, having this type of personal discussion with your close relatives or friends about success can help clarify why you do what you do and why you pursue your goals.

A good discussion on success will also show how reaching your goals affects others. For example, if you've set lofty goals for yourself, but you've let a close family member or friend pass away, you might be surprised by the effect it has on those around you. Suddenly, people seem more appreciative of you and supportive as they try to cheer you up. It's an experience you can't really buy in a magazine or newspaper article.

But don't let these conversations lead you down a dead end. Because what they lack is the ability to take the information you receive and build on it. That's because there are many success-driven individuals who speak incessantly about their successes without having established success mindset principles. And therein lays the problem. Without a true sense of what success means to you, how can you know when and how to pursue it? When you start with having a positive attitude and pursuing your dreams, you'll inevitably find your path leading towards success.

Another positive outcome from having a successful discussion on success and chasing your dreams would be developing a sense of community. A sense of community not only makes you look good; it provides a great base for encouraging each other during times of difficulty or stress. When your family members have a shared vision of success and when they talk about how they achieved their goals, you're likely to listen and valuate their experiences. As you learn more from each success story, you can use the discussions as a source of new ideas for pursing your own goals.

A discussion on success can also provide a forum for discussing problems within your own family. When members of your family are struggling with achieving certain goals, you can make the issue more visible so that it may be faced head-on by all members. After all, everyone in the family may have different opinions and point of views regarding success. Having this sort of frank discussion is very healthy, because it helps to solve problems and open up individual's eyes regarding what they can do to move their lives forward.

A discussion on success is also a good time to discuss milestones and goals. A discussion of what to do next can help you celebrate the small victories and reinforce your success journey. After all, what is a victory if you haven't even achieved your initial goals? A celebration of your accomplishments is the perfect way to motivate family members and give them the ammunition they need to continue on your road to success.

The discussion you hold during a discussion on success should be free, but structured. Start out by discussing how the conversation will go and take turns being the speaker, offering insights, stories, and recommendations. Don't make this a rote procedure--this is your family, not your speech--and don't try to run off and finish the presentation before anyone else gets to ask questions. In addition, it is a good idea to take turns being the speaker, so that there's continuity throughout the discussion.

These types of discussions are powerful tools for inspiring and informing others about success. It is important, however, that these discussions be done in an atmosphere that is comfortable and civil. Keep your tone light and upbeat, and try to find common ground. You never know when a little encouragement can spark your family's success journey. Discussing success and its meaning with your family is a critical element in their success as you work toward success.


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