The lost ability

in #life6 years ago

In ancient times animals have always been around us, both as pets and as wild animals. They have always been apart of our lives and came into our lives when we needed them as meat or as protection. Animals have their unique abilities that we have lost over time. Abilities that we would have stored to these days if we had prevented it.

Have you ever experienced an animal come to you when you are sad? Or that they will not come close to you no matter what? The reason they do this is that that they are reading you or the correct word sensing your energies.

Yes, this time we are going to talk about the energies we are sending out to each other without having the knowledge that we do. This sense or ability is something we have suppressed under the human evolution. Under the lifespan of Lucy, the prehistoric man, we were so much more pure in our senses and abilities that we today, unfortunately, have lost. Honestly, we have not completely lost it, it's more likely that we are suppressing it because we are distracting ourselves with jobs, money, education, Internet, cellphones and so on.
As children, we are more sensitive to the capacity to sense the energies and perceive things that adults can’t. Children have very sensitive abilities that grown-ups have suppressed when we have grown up. But some of the adults still have the abilities to sense or another word “see” energies.

Animals, like dogs and cats, that are so much closer to their natural habits, than we humans are, have it easier to registrate others, humans and other animals, energies. It’s like Cesar Millan, dog whisperer, says - “they only see themselves and us as energies, not as humans or as dogs”. It’s the same for all animals, including humans as well.

The truth is that all the living things - animals, nature, and humans - are all just filled with energies. We are not just at a body of flesh and blood, that most people believe, we are just pure energies. Maybe it would be easier if I use the word soul instead. The soul, that exist in our body, is an energy that we have borrowed. It’s like we are taught in chemistry class, if I remember right, that everything around us, including ourselves, is made of building blocks that existed during the existence of the dinosaurs.

With this, I want to say that our time here on earth is limited and therefore we somehow have to learn to regain the gift that we have suppressed over the years. Break free from the chains and become one with the energies.


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