Follow me!! Please!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

One thing I see here quiet often is that people put a 'Follow me' with a link to their profile at the end of their posts. I wonder why they do that?! I mean, on all platforms for steem there is already a link to the author, e.g. on steemit you can just click it to get a 'Follow' popup. Following people is essential to a system like this and thus build in where its needed.

Do we really need an extra request for it? At least I don't want to be asked to follow someone, it always sounds kinda needy. Does it really work? If I see it I usually stay away cause I think they don't understand how it works or that people don't want to be pushed to make a decision. I want to do that freely!!
Maybe thats just my rational thinking as a developer, so don't take it too serious. Just a little thought while scanning introduction posts..

ps: I wonder if people will take the title of this post serious? I guess I'll never figure that out because, if so they will never reach this line :(


I agree totally! It becomes clickbait so soon...

I wonder if people will take the title of this post serious?

Haha, I was hoping it wasn't a post like that, glad I was curious enough to read and find out.

Your faith is being rewarded ;) Appreciate it..

I just chalk it up to being greedy - they are more interested in what they get out rather than what they contribute to the community. I don't reward selfishness with attention. Eventually they will get the message or they will go back to facebook to be with their own kind.

Thats the way to do it..

Ill follow you if you follow me...


Hm, sounds like blackmail ;)

Im in Sevilla, Spain. The only way to collect would be via Bitcoin.
There is some truth to this. Im predicting that our BIG BROTHER will continue to hack multi-national companies and blackmail them in Bitcoin.

This would open up an entire new avenue for their "Rules/Regulations!"

Stay safe and if your a bitcoin owner read my last article:

I reached the last line :-) haha
I don't know, to be honest. In my posts, I prefer not to write "follow me", as I think it's obvious where the "Follow" button is (in case someone likes the content).

My thinking :)

I agree with this, although I use it myself some times at the end of posts as a reminder I like following people a lot more without them asking or "telling" me to.

I don't condemn it ;) I'm just curious if it works..
Do you figure if there's a difference when you use it and when not? Getting more followers?

I do know what you mean even though I am relative newcomer to Steemit and someone who is looking for followers, I don't think that a "follow me" request would be something that I would do, I would rather someone follow me because they felt a connection rather than because I asked them to.

Yeah, its not that easy to get followers, but I'm convinced that patience and good (useful) posts will get you somewhere. Pushing too hard will probably have the opposite effect if you look at the other comments here..

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