How to Yoga - Extended Hand to Toe Pose

in #health8 years ago

Good day, Steemians!

"Do work." -- Big Black

I love this quote because it's concise and motivational.
It's interesting to notice what tidbits from life get stuck in the brain:
DO WORK comes from a show on MTV
about Rob Dyrdek and his buddy Big Black,
who said all kinds of wise and humorous things.
(My home the Garden of Eden will have a show
on MTV, too--it's scheduled to air on December 19!)
In physics, "work" means that an object moves when force is applied;
intentional application of energy yields results.
We intend to be awesome, and it works so well that even MTV takes notice.
I don't have a j-o-b, but I work every single day to build a better world.
And with the launch of Eden 2.0 and Steemfest right around the corner,
there is plenty of moving to be done!
My people have been at it all weekend
and we've made massive shifts in these parts;
I'm grateful to do my part to the best of my abilities
and for the reminder to love what I do for the sake of loving what I do.
DO WORK means focus, make effort, and succeed.
It reminds me of non-attachment: do the task at hand without
desire or grasping for the outcome.
DO WORK is super yogic!
I share more yoga in thanks for this outlet, my dear Steemit.
I hope you are inspired and energized!

This is Extended Hand to Toe Pose

AKA Utthita Hasta Padangustasana in Sanskrit

(utthita = extended, hasta = hand, pada = foot, angusta = toe, asana = pose/posture)

Extended Hand to Toe Pose is great for focus and balance. 

Yoga is incredible for developing intention and
harnessing awareness towards achieving what you want.
Physical benefits are fantastic
(this pose strengthens the legs and ankles and opens the hips),
but some of the real magic lies in what happens to consciousness
when you practice.

Balance is physical; in this pose you stand on one leg
and changing the focal point with the gaze adds a challenge,
but it's also a metaphysical concept.
What is "work" to you? What is play? Are you getting enough of each?
Are you stable? Where are you placing your weight?

Do you focus on focus?
Look forward in this pose, then look to the side.
Changing the drishti (focal point) significantly shifts the pose,
even though you're still standing in the same spot doing the same thing.
I spend lots of time readjusting myself back to my priorities
when my attention wonders off into the ether.
Balancing poses are awesome for cultivating this skill. 


  • From mountain pose, inhale and draw the right knee to the chest.
  • Use the fingers you'd use to make the peace symbol to grasp the big toe. You can use a strap around the foot if instead, which can bring the focus to drawing the shoulders back and opening the chest.
  • Exhale and extend the leg straight out as much as possible. 
  • Inhale for balance.
  • Exhale and open the leg out to the right.
  • Look over to the left. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

💛 Sara!

We make custom Steemit gear!
Thank you @everlove for the lovely photography, and thank you @quinneaker for living YOGA! 


Did you get your ticket for STEEMFEST yet? Reserve your spot in Yoga!

Thank you @quinneaker & @roelandp for making my dream to teach at STEEMFEST a reality! Dear Steemians, please help @everlove realize her STEEMFEST dreams too--we're going to share some really killer content as we travel throughout the world. It's super fun to work with her!

Don't forget to catch us on MTV! 😘


Love your posts ! Stayed inspired, soul sister :)

Thank you! I appreciate the motivation!

Grateful for constant focus and breathing in balance. There are so many opportunities to upgrade our experience. Yoga is such a great reminder of possibilities. Thanks for sharing yourself @saramiller. I'm so excited to do yoga with you at SteemFest.

Yes, yoga is an EXCELLENT reminder! I'm excited too to shine some light on the Steemians!

I need to start incorporating Yoga into my life!!

Hmm... I cannot get my knees as straight.

No big deal, you still get the benefits with a bent knee. If that is a goal for you, bring intention to it every time you practice and you'll get better and better!

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