in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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The long story that humans have written so far is only about one. It's about being 'loved'. Therefore, human hope in the end converges on only one.

"I want to be loved too."

Even if you don't work harder, don't progress any further, don't become a better being, and even if you get worse, worse, or worse than you are now, wanting to be loved 100% for who you are, this is the only one. man It is desire.

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So, humans ask, "How can I be loved?", and to this question, they come to find the answer to save themselves. All the stories about whether it is possible if we go somewhere other than here, if we achieve a more cultural-political-historical-economic-ethical human condition, or if we can love others transparently, these are all stories. -help book created as a result of 'How?'.

When do we feel happy? It is when you are in the feeling of being loved. So happiness and being loved are synonyms. In the end, the various discourse games created by all the 'how?' questions. it is a theory of happiness that suggests ways for humans to be happy. It is the self-interest of “My methods can make you happier” and the endless competition that results from it.

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However, there are people who have a completely different idea about this desire to be loved.

Instead of asking 'how?', They ask 'why?'

"Why should I be loved?"

And these revolutionaries discovered revolutionary reality as a result of the great leap of inquiry. That is the reality of 'already loved'. This transition is clearly an ontological transition when a person who experiences love as a deficiency and is looking for a way to get out of his/her deficiency and reach the reality of being loved finds that he/she is already loved without flaws from the deepest level.

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