STEEMCHURCH- Effect of thoughts on circumstances


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The mind of a man resembles a garden, what you put into it is what you get, if you sow good seeds in your garden when it is time for harvest you will most likely reap good fruits except maybe it is not properly nurtured. This is similar to how the mind of a man works, the seed in this instance is our thoughts, the thoughts we sow into our mind determines what our mind will bring forth and our actions. If you allow corrupt thoughts to flourish in your mind it will surely reflect in the life you live vice versa.

We must tend to the garden of our mind the way a good gardener tends to his garden, growing his flowers with care and always clearing out weeds. We should always clear out wrong, impure and unjust thoughts from our mind, nourish your mind and it will flourish like roses in a garden. If you do all these sooner or later you will discover than you are the master gardener of your soul.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


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However for you to have good thoughts you have to surround yourself with the right people and place yourself in a good environment. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. The only thing that is slightly possible her is speak no evil because to some large extent we can control what comes out from our mouth but we can’t really control what we see or hear. When you keep bad company nothing good can come out of it although the term bad company is relative because what I consider bad company might be good company to others. You know the kind of life you want to and ought to live as a Christian so if there are people steering you away from that path then those people are the wrong people to be around. They will always sow thoughts of negativities and such thoughts are not good for the mind.

proverbs 23:7

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

All your actions are results of your thoughts, we often refer to geniuses and successful people as great minds and that is because we have been able to see the result of the positive thoughts that they sow in their mind.

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I agree with this sentence of yours,

If you allow corrupt thoughts to flourish in your mind it will surely reflect in the life you live vice versa.
That is why the scriptures says we should avoid bad associations. Bad associations eventually affects an individual's thinking and in the long run would affect his/her lifestyle.

As it is always said, a word is enough for the wise. Thanks for sharing this wisdom with SteemChurch.

Thanks for contributing to SteemChurch Sandra. You made us think about our thoughts.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Being that God has given us the ability to distinguish between good and evil. He also gave us the ability to control our thoughts.

Being that we can control it, we have to try to build our minds so we can make better decisions and lead a better life. Our thoughts are our responsibility.


Our actions are products of our thoughts, the way we react to certain problems depends on the kind of company we surround ourselves with.
Surround yourself with good companies and stay away from negative environments which may threaten your way of life.
Think Positive.
Be Positive.

Our mind is very powerful because it direct and determines us all.. We must be careful of what we think....great post

Our life is always a reflection of what goes on in our mind,be it good or bad taught it will always msnifest in our behavior we should alwsys clrar baf taughts out of our mind,so we dont breed evil in our minds and engaging with good minded people goes a long way in gauiding what we think.

You've really spoken on the right topic because I've been wanting to tell people that such effects will only torture the soul and such torture is one of the greatest. It leads to different dangerous thoughts. Let us tender everything in God's name and he'll answer

You see, friends, even if we have the Bible as our Christian guide.. Our minds remain the greatest weapon against satan..Gof has giving us the privilege to know what's g9d and what is bad. This therefore means that when we do what is wrong. We have to blame ourselves for making these wrong decision.. We therefore have to train our mind to always do what is right.
God bless you

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