The struggle of rowing against the current

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Many times we think that by making an effort we are doing things right, however, the fact of making an effort does not always lead us to achieve our goals in the best way.

It is normal that we feel that we want to fight regardless of adversity (navigate against the current), it is the perfect scenario for us to think how not to achieve any proposed goal if we are putting all our efforts to achieve it, however not in all scenarios that is the ideal attitude.

The reason is that if we repeat for a long period of time the same behaviors to obtain a favorable result and on the contrary we fail to achieve these objectives, then the most correct thing would be not to continue sailing against the current, if rather we must change the action and behavior that we were applying, all with the objective that if we are changing the way of acting that negative response of the past can change to one that is favorable.

The current pace of life is very dynamic due to the current demands that require lifestyles that are coupled to the modernity of the present, however in the same philosophy that we are trying not to have to navigate against the current, it is conducive that we can be in the ability to take a pause and to analyze carefully everything that happens in our environment, because when we analyze well all our environment is not necessary to have to navigate against the current, if we see that we fail in the attempt many times, it is appropriate to change strategy to see if the results change to favorable results.

It is important not to confuse sacrifice with effort, since many times we sacrifice in vain, not only that but we can even take account of multiple sacrifices without making an effort.

On the other hand the effort is the action that without sacrifice can lead us to achieve our goals, the effort makes us think and analyze what is not convenient, and even leads us to make dynamic in the actions we take, always with the ability to be available to change them as long as it is to achieve genuine solutions.



Greetings @sandracarrascal I have heard in different opportunities the phrase that expresses that if we want to get there fast let's travel alone, but if we want to go far let's travel together.

Based on the above, it is interesting that sometimes we fight against the impossible without realizing that taking a different course we can reach our goals much faster and reaching the best experiences. Greetings

Hi friend @sandracarrascal, one of the most difficult things we can do in our lives is to fight against something we can not, that is to row against the current, although daring to do so in many cases leaves positive results that help us grow as people and make better decisions.

Hello friend @carlir.

I agree with you to fight for what we don't have in our life is to fight against the current, many times we can sacrifice for what we want to achieve in life, but also not many times it will give us positive results.

Greetings and thank you for your support.

hello @sandracarrascal,
people think that hard work is what generates good results for the person, from my point of view it is not like that, I think that if you are doing too much effort in an activity the best thing to do is to analyse what you are doing, then look for a more intelligent strategy that allows you to obtain better results with less effort.

Hello friend @trabajosdelsiglo.

Exactly many people have that negative thinking, but often hard work only leaves us tired, if we analyze and work more with the mind would yield positive results, and if we stop a little and look around us we can see that the current lifestyle is very dynamic due to the current demands that require lifestyles coupled to the modernity of the present.

Greetings and thank you for your support.

Hello friend @sandracarrascal, in life there are many obstacles that we must overcome, but sometimes it must be evident if there is the possibility of solving such a circumstance, or on the contrary stop fighting against something impossible and place all our efforts in other objectives that may possibly be more satisfactory.

Good reflection friend, have a great weekend.

Hello migo @amestyj.

A pleasure to greet you again, according to you in life we are presented with many obstacles but they are barriers that we have to intelligently overcome and move forward, the current pace of life is very dynamic due to the current demands that require lifestyles coupled to the modernity of the present.

Greetings friend and thank you for your contribution.

If we move opposite to the market we need to face huge consiquance and has to pay huge in our life. As we will face more criticism. If we will try to flow with the current we will reach our goal very fast. But we need to go out of the box.

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