How to distinguish between preoccupation and obsession?


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Of course we can analyze certain characteristics that can help us differentiate between worries and obsessions, it may seem that the differences are notorious between obsession and worry, however in some circumstances it will be difficult to noticeably differentiate the differences between being worried and being obsessed.

Have you been worried about something lately?

Surely yes, it is normal that many at some point have felt some concerns.

These worries are a very normal process in the world population, however if we do not have the appropriate follow-up and the way to differentiate them, it can happen that the worry evolves into something more worrying for us, such as obsession.

If many of the looming problems in the area of worry can base their solution on being able to distinguish between worry and obsession, then one of the objectives of this post is to let you know some differences between the two:

The worries in generalized form, that is to say the small, normal and excessive worries, all this type of worries are in agreement with the values of the person, reason for which we can consider them as irrational or contrary to the common sense.

On the contrary, obsessions are seen as contrary to the person's values, which leads us to think that if a person is being affected, it is better to consider that the worries he carries on the road for any aspect of his life. life constantly will not take him to any place where he can obtain usefulness for his life.

The best way to be able to differentiate these two aspects is to be able to relate them to the problems of life, that is to say for sure if we have a problem logically we are going to worry about wanting to solve it, however if it exists, there is no problem in our day to day life and all the time we are worried about something it is because we are obsessed by a problem that does not exist.

I want to bring a third important variable that gives us an indication between a marked difference between worry and obsession, this variable is the acceptance, since at least the small worries are considered acceptable in us, that is to say that our mind is associated as something acceptable, that we worry, however once we take care of and solve what overwhelms us, this worry leaves our mind.

With obsession the opposite happens, our mind does not accept that being obsessed is okay, on the contrary our mind does not accept it because in reality obsessions in us cause more discomfort than welfare, and if we compare it with the concern, it can serve as a state of alert to occupy us and try to solve that which destabilizes us so much.

I hope this analysis of some differences between worry and obsession has been useful, tell me in the comments, what other difference you think is relevant between worry and obsession.



Hi @sandracarrascal, it is difficult to establish a pattern of difference between being worried and being obsessed, because sometimes we can worry and go from the same to obsession. That is where we must be very attentive and know how to mark a limit between the two, as you yourself comment that everyone in life has gone through a problem, but we must not let it be an obstacle in our lives, we must persist and overcome it. Greetings

Hi @sidalim88.

I agree with you it is difficult to establish a pattern of differences between worry and obsession, but it is also true that we have to know how to differentiate so that we can set limits, because everyone in life has gone through adverse situations, problems but we should not let any obstacle invade our lives, we must be brave and move forward without anything interfering.

Greetings and thanks for your support

Hello @sandracarrascal

Worry and obsession combination very lethal for our psychological health, I would say that all the adverse environment that has generated the pandemic, in my case has been a source of constant concern I do not think it is obsession, but if I have assessed that this has happened to me a bad trick element that I should be aware of.

Best regards, be well.

Hello @lupafilotaxia.

Exactly they are a very lethal combination for our health, the pandemic has marked us all in one way or another but we have all been affected, worried and expectation without knowing what will happen are moments of surplus and more if we have a sick family member, but it has also helped us to see other horizons, be more time with our family.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution

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