Stolen art.. Another one on a magazine cover

in #art6 years ago

Stolen art..

Well I googled another artwork in google reverse image search and was stunned to see some "artist" called "Sandeep Kumar Mishra" took a part of my drawing and put a blue filter on it and mirrored the image and send it in as a cover for a magazine. I wasn't asked for permission or got any credit.



I already trying to contact the magazine and the artist. Really makes me sick that someone takes credit for my art on a printed magazine.

It was also in his art gallery:


The artist replied with:

Its a new painting.I have made it with ink and my one is not digital.I saw the art .I like it and made my art .Still I will remove it from my website because concept is yours.

Which is obviously a lie. You can see it's a filter on a part of my work and it's not painted with ink.

This is the artwork I made in 2014 called "Inner Self" which I haven't blogged about yet:


He got also books on amazon and wonder how many art he stole from artists. This is his website maybe he stole from you too:

Don't want to ruin my art with huge watermarks but discovering this kind of things almost forces me too :(

I hope the magazine will respond soon...


Really irritating. I bet spaceships-space-woman is stolen too. And many more. His answer probably is the same to all the artists who would contact him for stealing: "I saw the art .I like it and made my art ."

Fuck him!

Yes I could bet on that too. How can people live with themselves taking credit for someone else work and lie about it.

There are thieves and then there are those who just don't think any further. But it's a good thing you got him take the piece away this easy. Sad thing is that he never should have done that.

Did you ask him for proof? Because if its not digital he can easily proof that by sending a picture of his painting right.. then you have proof that he's not telling the truth...

I bet he removed it so quickly because he has no proof, because it's stolen and because he can always steel again and claim it's his, if he doesn't get caught.

I bet the same, but if he asks this, he has extra proof, because even if he will make a painting that looks like it later on, then sander has proof he asked this person now and he could not provide proof.

Oh that's true!

He did send me photo of a print saying it's a painting just like I expected IMG_20181213_185641.jpg

obviously exactly what you expected indeed
this is not a painting.. what a dumbass... damn.. sorry that this is happening to you..

He could print it out on paper and lie some more about it. It was too obvious for me I didn't need proof and the fact he removed it so quickly says a lot. I mean come on painted with ink?! You can see the bad resolution quality and it's exactly the same. Problem is you can't do much about it but I really worry about all the books he has on his website probably full of stolen art.

edit: Well I send another email about sending proof but I don't think he will repond on it...

Surprises me that he went to all that trouble, I had the idea (because he said he painted it which is pretty stupid imo lol) that you'd have enough proof there. But yeah probably he does this for a living stealing other people's works. I think there are absolutely ways to do something, but they will take time, effort and probably money to start a procedure and you have no idea if he even has money to pay you when you win a case. Maybe you'll spend money trying to get your rights without getting a penny back .. that's the thing with these people, they know that most people will not even go to all the trouble :( so sad!

I think exposing him with name etc. could do a little bit and finding other artists he stole from. But yes it's really difficult...I see it a lot people stealing and selling someone else art on merchandise. If one is taken down another pops up. :(

sad but true :(

Can u sue his publisher??

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Jeez! That Sucks!
I'm amazed that you actually found that considering all the scammers out there.

Inner Self is badass BTW!

Guess I have to reverse image search more now seeing my work getting stolen

Thank you I wanted to show it in a normal blog instead of this one....

Dis mutha fucka D<

Exactly and lying about it that he painted it makes it even more ridiculous

You need to watermark. It sucks, but these thieves are opportunistic. If it's not watermarked, it's easier to steal.As for this guy, he obviously stole it. The fact that he took it down so quickly says he knows what he did. If he was a legit artist he would defend the art against claims of plagiarism.
The good news is, it scared him and he took it down.

I'm thinking about it now with those thief's. I rather not because I want to show my art the best way possible. Happy the magazine responded today taking it serious.

Well he still tried to convince me he painted it by sending me a pic of an obvious print telling it's a painting....

It really makes no difference if he did paint it. It's your design first so you have the copyright over him. He has plagiarized your work and you have the law on your side. You would only need to prove that you did your work before him. That said, you can go after him for royalties on any money he made using your design.

That's true but even if it wasn't he was lying he did paint it and was inspired only.

I proved it and waiting on a reply. He didn't get paid for it but he also have books on his website and who knows what he did steal from others and put it in the books.

I just hope he got scared and stops doing it but I don't think he even knows what damage he is doing to others.

Very irritating ! I hope the magazine will respond soon and take down the stolen art and publish a new article with all the right credits :( SO ANNOYING !!

Yes he keeps lying even send me a print telling it's a painting. I'm happy the magazine responded today and took it seriously and they're working on it.

Nice artwork btw?

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