Indian idol auditions

in #freewrite6 years ago

My husband is a big fan of 'Indian Idol' that has been high on TRP since years. My husband loves watching the audition where in the judge 'Anu Malik' makes sure that the ones who don't qualify are left red faced. I am forced to watch the auditions as that's the only thing that runs on the idiot box at out home during the season and I must say I hate it to the core.
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I have watched many seasons of the show and Any Malik is the permanent judge on the show. He appreciates people who sing well and also conposes small poems to keep them motivated to work better. But his attitude towards those who cannot sing well is pathetic.

Indian Idol attracts participants from different corners of the country. Some come from villages that have not seen electricity. Some are so poor that they cannot afford music training. But, they have a hope that their voice would be selected and Anu Malik shatters their dream, self respect and what not as soon as the participant finishes his song. If I were him, I would politely tell the participant to work on his/her voice and try again next year, but this man rips the contestant apart and ropes in his fellow judges too to join him in embarrassing the contestant.

For years I have been watching Indian Idol with my husband but have never complained, I keep a straight face and watch the show where I hate the judges for the kind of treatment they give to the participants, but things got out of hand when my son started watching it with us.

My son is 10 year old and seemed to enjoy the way Anu Malik embarrassed the untalented people. I was worried that my son would learn from the show and treat his untalented friends like wise. I told my husband to switch off the TV just then and explained to my son that those who cannot sing well will surely have some other talent that they are good at. There are many talents and you cannot judge a person based on one. My son nodded his head in affirmation. I hope he understood what I wanted to tell him.

Kids get influenced with what they watch over telivision. It is important that we monitor what they watch and also make sure that you think about what your child is going to learn from it before you let them watch it.

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