Beauty treatments

in #psychology6 years ago

Beauty is the most prized possession in today's time because appearance can do what your talent cannot to your career. Thanks to the growing demand, the beauty industry sees a steady rise in new skin care products and doctors come up with unique skin care beauty treatments that doesn't spare without making a deep dent on your pockets.
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Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, the famous saying is not practiced anymore. The condition is so bad that people don't get to see the real face of individual which stays hidden in layers of makeup.

I believe with age women become a lot more concious about their beauty than they were in their hay days for they fear it getting lost with increasing age. The fear of never having it back makes them desperate and they start spending on various cosmetics and herbal skin care products that claim to solve the issue, but then the promises are all fake. Beauty parlours add to the trouble. Beauticians, to increase their income, play with their clients mind telling them that certain treatments could reverse the condition of their beauty by certain years. Women with a hope to bring back their youth give in to such thugs and end up with lighter pockets.

I believe no beauty treatment or costly chemical based beauty products can reverse age of the skin. It is natural for skin to sag with age. With skin, other body parts also age and there is nothing that can break the rules of the nature. I wish people understood this. These products contain chemicals and to give it the pleasant smell they add more chemicals which only makes the condition worse. Ageing is natural, accept it with Grace. Your skin shows how mature you are.

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