Why am i suspicious when I see the MSM reporting on Bitcoin price surge?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

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UK's Independent announced yesterday the 'dramatic rise in value' of cyptocurrencies and I am left feeling suspicious because the normal course of action for the MSM is to tell us this at the worst possible moment to invest.

Remember back in 2017 when they started reporting positively on BTC's meteoric rise only after it had passed 15,000?

Could this mean we are headed further south?


I don't know why this would send us south, it looks pretty bullish to me.

I agree it does look bullish at the moment. Am just surprised to see the Independent reporting on it in a positive way. Feels strange!

Possibly, the owners of the independent have identified the bottom and potentially got a little bit of skin in the game.

Maybe they ran out of stuff to report.

Maybe the bubble-skepticism has passed and the recent rise shows investor confidence.

It is main stream media though so there's probably an ulterior motive haha.

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No idea and I have not seen any MSM report's on BTC.

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Seems to be only the Independent, so I guess it's nothing. If I saw a few more reporting on this, then I would be mega suspicious.

Yes my mum text me about this suddenly seeming positive about crypto. It hardly moved either i'm suspicious of this. But this they want to start promoting it to build support for government crytpo when the fiat collapses 💯🐒

My mother also reads the Independent ;)

And she will have taken note as her portfolio now includes a few different coins!

Am watching the fiat markets too these days with interest. These next few weeks will be very interesting...

...the collapse may be close.

I think so. I think they will wait for Brexit and blame it on that 💯🐒

The only thing I've heard from MSM is the negative news about Quadrigacx exchange here in Canada. They really capitalized on the "unreliability" and "lack of security" of cryptocurrencies, seeing as the CEO kicked the bucket with all the private keys to about 140 M $ in customer funds. So, I think the atttitude at least here, is still negative. Which could translate into bargains if you're looking to buy crypto.

That sounds like the kind of story one would expect at this time. Good old FUD.

Seems to be just the Independent who were focused on this latest pump.

Maybe they talked it down low enough to buy in, and now want to step off the brakes. Remember, these guys were blindsided by Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general.

In short, they missed out. I've long expected them to drive the price down for their own benefit, and then get in when the time was right.

Let's hope the right time is now and the only way is up from here!

Bring it on :)

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