Sam has man flu & feeling sorry for himself

in #flu5 years ago (edited)

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I am always able to sustain my health during jobs, but if the job is a big one, like this Summer was, I very often get sick when it is all over. It has been this way since my early twenties when I first started working on feature films, some of which took almost an entire year to complete.

The frustrating thing about this situation is that the job isn't over yet!

Two weeks ago I returned home to my family in France from the solar farm in Yorkshire and have been awaiting further instructions on how we are going to progress with the editing.

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It has been amazing being back with my family but now my energy levels have subsided and this is the moment when my immune system seems to becomes susceptible.

Bad timing

The editing instructions finally came in this morning and needless to say, now I don't feel like doing it!

Especially as it seems to me like my beautiful artistic film is being brutalised by a bunch of suits who don't have the same vision as me... at all.

In the end I just have to LET IT GO and remind myself this is not my solar farm and not my film.


Always the same sickness

The only type of sickness I ever seem to experience is this.

It starts as a headache, sore throat and blocked nose.

A few days later the coughing begins as it moves into my chest.

The nose runs constantly and the voice drops deep.

Throughout this period I produce what appears to be an impossible amount of phlegm & snot.

Around about the fifth day I start to feel normal again.

Naturally, I started feeling off last night and they want the film done by Friday, which means I must work through this sickness if I would like to get paid. Which I do!

Holiday needed

Gonna take the family somewhere fun when the last payment comes in. Screw investing anything more into crypto. That hasn't worked out so well for me this Summer. Instead we are just gonna spend it!

We are thinking to drive down to Morocco for a few weeks :)

Nothing too extravagant, but a holiday none the less.

And finally I will be able to move on from this crazy job!

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on crypto for over two years.

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Sam supports @naturalmedicine because they are seeking to help us in ways which go far beyond money. Please come and join us on Discord

All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.


All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image


This is the opportunity that you've been waiting for... to break the cycle. Yes, treat your physical body with care but do it knowing that you have moved beyond this pattern.

One of my current affirmations is the following: My body is vibrantly healthy and my body consciousness knows how to align with the original blueprint of Spirit.

Be well!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great thoughts. Thank you.

Yes, I have already changed my thinking. This time it will pass faster than ever. I no longer need to live with old patterns.

Seriously? Such a short time frame for an edit and being sick too? That's not fun at all. Reminds me of the time I stepped out of my first ( attempt to direct a ) feature film and was sick for two weeks ( I was a full time teacher back then too ), as well as waking up with an eye infection ( thought I was going blind that night, one of the scariest things I've ever experienced ) when I was a trainee at a small film company in Amsterdam ( 2008 ). My 'boss' told me to man up, take some aspirin and come to work anyway, where I had to edit ( stare at screens ). Until this day, I wonder if this experience - and not visiting a doctor - damaged my eyes for good.

Anyhow, didn't mean to scare you here ;>)

I'm sure it will all work out fine in the end and I have no doubt you're gonna enjoy your family holiday a lot!

Good luck with the editing!

Isn't it always the way? Last minute changes which are needed yesterday!

Am onto the After Effects stuff now, creating call out titles. Complicated but quite enjoyable too, even when I'm sick.

Sounds like you've had quite a ride in the film department! We are a unique kind of folk because we can so easily get swept up in the creative wave and not see how we are pushing our bodies (and minds!) to the limit. Even back at Uni we used to work ridiculous hours on our insignificant little films.

Too much screen time unquestionably affects the eyes but this is nothing which can't be reversed. I like to believe there is no part of our body which can't be fixed with the right knowledge and attention.

I like to exaggerate things for the purpose of storytelling.
See you're still not completely recovered, which is logical if you're working when your body wants you to do the opposite.

Hope you can get this finished soon, so you can focus on total wellbeing again.

Hey Sam, sorry to hear about the man flu. I hope it's clearing up.
With reference to the suits making changes you don't agree with? What I do if that happens is, I make two versions. The one that was MY vision....and give them their butchered version that makes less sense. Only show people your version, and then that way, you'll put your name to it and know it's how it was intended to be. Remember...'SAVE AS VERSION 2' in the project.

Peace out!

Hey Paul!

Am still a bit blocked up, but on the whole it hasn't been too bad.

Man, if only that were possible. The version which goes on YouTube is the one I would like to feel proud of. This is the version I will show people for the rest of time because it will always be easily accessible and the view count gives me some idea of how popular it is.

It's okay... my memory is short. In time I will forget there was once a better version.

Am pretty sure I went through the same thing five years ago on the last solar farm job! And 42,000 people have watched that one now... which gives me a number to beat ;)

Sorry to hear you are suffering @samstonehill
Please you should drink regular glasses of hot ginger and turmeric tea with honey and lemon . It is amazing for keeping things like this at bay and is so Delicious

Thank you for the suggestion. I went directly and made myself one... and immediately felt much better :)

The most delicious medicine ☺️

now now... is it REAL flu? or "man flu"? hehehehe ;)

Hope you feel better soon!

I call it man flu because I have noted over the years how men seem to make a much bigger deal out of this than women!

And I guess I'm no different. Couldn't get out of bed till midday today.

I'll be alright ;)

Well here's wishing it sooner rather than later :)

!giphy get+well+soon

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Thank you :)

Am half way back to normal already!

Hi @samstonehill

Feeling sick is very terrible,
But see the positive side of these with your family and that should charge you with positive energy sounds contradictory to advise that. but in my case when I feel sick I do my best to try to feel good.

Now I really like what you describe about yourself:

Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on crypto for over two years.


I don't know if it's a wish or if it's true in any case it's great to be able to do what it describes you.

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