Join me in correcting my short sighted (myopic) vision the NATURAL way & together let us make a film which changes the world!

in #naturalvisioncorrection5 years ago (edited)

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This Summer I am going to begin the process of eyesight correction so that I never need to wear glasses or contact lenses again. And no, I won't be doing it with laser surgery. I will be doing it the natural way which has, for many reasons, not found its way into the mainstream.

I have been putting this off for a long time (with the 'not enough time' excuse) but on this occasion I am stuck (without a vehicle) in an isolated location in the UK till October (due to an awesome film project I am working on) so with none of the usual family distractions and a job which requires 20/20 vision (coz I'm flying drones), there is a strong sense that the Universe is speaking to me in this moment...


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Like it or lump it, I'm here for the Summer so I might as well make the best of this and do all those things I've been meaning to do ever since this happened:

The rabbit hole goes deep

This post is a lengthy one, but if you really want to throw those glasses away forever your success will be much more likely if you understand the bigger picture.

You can always bookmark this post to digest at your own pace later.

Also, keep an eye out for the #naturalvisioncorrection tag which will be used more and more as this movement grows, not just by me but also by all those other people who are having success with this

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Why doesn't everyone know this already?


Yep, the endless trails of deception disguised as celebrated advances in human ingenuity always lead back to this word.

The massive industry which profits from our deteriorating vision (young & old alike) does not want us to know that our eyesight can be corrected permanently.

For your information, there is really just one company behind the optician/glasses/lenses industry and most likely you've never heard of it. Better for business that you see these brands as being disconnected.


Buy any of these brands and the money goes to Luxottica who have total dominance over this marketplace, giving them the right to manipulate prices and ultimately do whatever they like.
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The truth is often hard to see with CLARITY

Mention the idea of natural vision correction to an eye doctor and they will tell you about the 1920 Bates Method, claiming its effectiveness to be inconclusive. And to a certain extent they are right. But there have been many more publications since then.

Please understand it is not their fault, for their selective education does not include learning about the thousands of people currently fixing their vision and throwing away their corrective lenses forever. If you don't believe me, join the 13,000 people in this FB group and have a chat with them about their success with this:

Here you can see my personal copy of the 1920 book which was groundbreaking for its time.

A more recent publication (which I highly recommend) moves way beyond that which has come before:


hit image to get to the free download

End Myopia Facebook group

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Link here

It is run by Jake Steiner who (without any qualifications in this field) has helped countless people for free over the last 20 years. People only pay him if they want personal skype sessions, but in truth these are not needed as the instructions are simple & logical. He hands out his knowledge for free as a kind of 'fuck you' to the glasses industry, while at the same time openly admits he has invested heavily into the glasses industry!

Because let's face it, he is just one man and...


I used to be a great customer.
I threw these Ray Bans away in disgust when I learned the truth three years ago!

Now is the time for us to come together

I would love as many of you as possible to join me on this mission. There must be so many of you who would benefit from this?

Glasses & contacts are a pain in the arse, right?

And most importantly, working as a team has a much more powerful energy to it...

So let's do this people!

And I will never have to look like this again ;)

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my first pair of glasses from the 1980s

Where do we go from here?

I enthusiastically began a Facebook group when I first delved into this subject three years ago but wasn't much good at maintaining it.

link to the group here

It is in fact likely to take longer than 60 days but the amount of effort involved is minimal compared to the methods I outline in my current films on this subject, while the information contained in the films is still very useful to know and will ultimately help you move forward faster.

I think where we go from here is to a group.

Perhaps a Discord group?

Or a Whaleshares Pod?

For now let's just focus on the basics here in this post:

STEP ONE is the power of belief

My last eye test was in Bali three years ago. In this film I demonstrate how it was possible to improve my vision without doing anything at all except throwing away my glasses and believing for the first time in my life that such a thing was even possible.

STEP TWO: Take control of your prescription

Jake's website & facebook group make this really simple. Just hit the link below and following his instructions you can figure out your exact prescription (in that particular moment):

No optician needed!

The power an optician holds over you is that they make you believe you cannot measure your own prescription at home with great accuracy, which could not be further from the truth.

On the contrary, the way opticians measure our vision (in a single session, usually in a windowless or artificially lit room) is far from an accurate measurement of our optimal visual ability.

Our vision is in a constant state of flux

  • Are you tired or fresh?

  • What is the time of day?

  • What is your mood?

  • Are you hungry?

  • What is the lighting in the room?

  • What is your belief system relating to your vision?

All of these things make a huge difference so measuring your prescription at home multiple times over the course of a week is the best way to find your true prescription, creating an average from the results.

The 'legal' obligations of an optician


Yesterday I booked an eye test at my local optician and had one simple question for them:

"Once you have tested my eyes and given me my prescription can I order my glasses to have a weaker prescription than this?"

The woman seemed very confused by my question and had to go and check with the manager. The answer came back as a resounding no. Due to 'legal reasons' the only way I can buy glasses is with the exact prescription they give me.

Keep the gravy train rolling...

This cunning little trick means they can prescribe glasses which are ever so slightly too strong. Just as one would expect given their method of gauging our optimal vision in a non optimal situation.

I am speaking in basic terms here but wearing glasses which are slightly too strong will slowly push your eyesight further from where it should be, ultimately meaning that you will be a customer for the rest of your life, constantly having to increase the strength of your pricey lenses & fancy new frames.

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If they were to prescribe you glasses which are slightly too weak, your eyes over time would return to perfect vision. At which point there would be no further need for glasses or lenses, assuming you maintained some healthy eye habits after that to prevent the same thing happening again.

I will go into these healthy eye habits in future posts, always using the #naturalvisioncorrection tag

What's the solution to all this madness?

Measure your prescription at home and order your glasses online.

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I found this site where the frames are pretty cheep and will let you know cost of the lenses once I place my orders.

I'm thinking the Jagger? What do you think?

Join me on this DECENTRALISED VISION mission!

If you are shortsighted (myopic) and would like return to your natural state of 20:20 vision, just comment beneath or PM me on discord: samstonehill#3438

Let us use this decentralised world to create an awesome group which cannot be censored, deleted or silenced, posting our successes & supporting each other as we go.

Join me on this FILM mission!

To join me in fixing your eyes you don't have to be a part of the film. I completely respect the option for anonymity. Personally however I will be documenting every part of this journey so that others may see what I am doing and follow in my footsteps.

The more people we can get involved shooting their results on their home cameras, the more likely we are to validate the truth of it in the minds of others.

I will cover the details of how all this is going to work at a later date.

If you are super excited about this like I am and keen to move ahead immediately it would be useful for you to watch the vision series I made in Bali. The information is sound but now that I am familiar with the techniques of Jake Steiner, there will be more films & info coming soon.

5 days till kick-off

I must wait till the 18th June for my UK eye test so that I may know what prescription they think I am.

Because I am new to the area they also asked that I bring my passport to prove my identity. Honestly, what kind of a world are we living in now?

"SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS if you want to spend your money here!"

Once I have spent 30mins with their ineffective vision measurement system (which will cost me £35) I will go home and measure in 2mins what my ACTUAL prescription is.

And finally, the solution you have been waiting for...


As crazy as this sounds, this is the most effective and least time consuming way to get back our perfect vision. I have already mentioned that the key is taking control of our prescription and by making each pair slightly weaker we will need multiple pairs to get back to 20:20

It is somewhat frustrating and slightly ironic to to be giving your money to the very people who have been robbing us for generations! But it must be done.

Breathe deep and know that all is well.

Perfect vision awaits you.

To give you an example my diopter is around -2.

To get back to 20:20 I am intending to buy six sets of different lenses. Don't forget, you can keep the same frames if you like and change only the lenses.

Each pair of lenses will be slightly weaker than the next, slowly coaxing your eyes in the right direction.

See how it works now?

Once perfect vision is achieved there are a few other things you will need to learn about if you would like to keep it perfect. But that my friends, is that.

Who knows, when our finished film goes viral we may just change the world!

It's good to dream ;)

I wouldn't normally say this but PLEASE RESTEEM so that others may have a chance at throwing away their glasses/lenses too!

Finally, a big thanks to all the cool colourful animated dividers I discovered today from @scrooger which can be found here. It has been a long time since I enjoyed spicing up one of my posts with so much colour & movement.

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

Sam is the creator of:

The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.

Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE


All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image


I'm all in! I really wanted to do this but I wish to have more resources/guides on how to do so. (: i'll go join the discord group too! ((:

(May I have the link please? The link I saw in the other comments has expired. THANK YOU.)

Love this movement to get rid of glasses!
I had a set of glasses that I onlyoccassionally pull out when I'm driving in the city and need to read signs. I can't stand wearing them other times for they make me dizzy when I wear them walking or use them to see in the distance but then want to look at something close up.
I'll not invest in another pair of glasses but I do want better vision and have downloaded the book you mentioned and will be watching your videos and following the #naturalvisioncorrection tag and channel in Natural Medicine discord.
Good luck with your better vision and film!
Thanks for sharing!
Resteemed to get the word out!

Thanks for sharing your story... and for the resteem ;)

Unfortunately, the simplest way to get this job done is to buy more glasses. There are other ways of course, but I'm seeking simplicity.

The Buddhist monks would spend a few weeks meditating and fasting, using the process described below for a few mins a day.


This fixes ALL eye defects.

If we were all just Buddhist monks... it would be easy ;)

Forgot to say, there is a new post & film on this subject, made today. You may enjoy:

I stopped wearing my glasses years ago, I am short sighted, I always felt like they made my eyes lazy and ultimately my eyesight would get worst. I would love to reverse the damage, I need more time to look at your videos not sure If I can invest in glasses though, I will dm you, much love Sam xxxx

The videos will help understand the bigger picture but the real trick is the glasses. I will find the cheapest way to get this done and let everyone know. If you can't afford it I will pay! I mean that.

I want us to be able to see the clarity of the stars and the moon again! Can you imagine how beautiful it is going to be?

Honestly, this feels like someone shilling me a coin, but in any event, one would have to convince you to join any cause. I must admit my rather gullible nature led me to believe in STEEM, and I still do, because I affirmed my convictions. I will bookmark this, to digest at my own pace -- an excellent suggestion -- but I cannot hide my doubt. Theoretically, this is very sound, but could a college kid from the States apply this and return to a world free of glasses? I guess I could be... dubious about that. Do I have anything to lose?

The doubt is natural. I had to read two books before I believed it.

You have two choices now:

  1. Hold on to your doubt, sit back and watch the rest of us do it. (assuming there will be others!)

  2. Let go of the doubt and join me! The only cost will be the glasses themselves. My mission today will be to find the cheapest possible way to do this and will share my results when I have them.

You have nothing to lose except the cost of these lenses.

And FYI, you made the right choice believing in STEEM ;)

Just keep HODLing. You'll see.

Great idea. I hope people join in. Resteeming on Nat Med and my personal account. If you want a channel in Natural Medicine we can do that no problem.

I have fine vision - gets a bit hard to read tiny print when I'm tired these days, but refuse to get glasses. IT'S JUST COZ I'M TIRED AND THE PRINT IS TINY. And I'm not paying 80 bucks to get a test to tell me i need 500 dollar glasses. As I told my husband this morning. I'll do eye yoga instead - keep 'em strong. :P



That's a fab idea creating a channel within NaturalMedicine. Let's try and keep it all in one place. Although for now it looks like it will just be me!

Inner and outer vision are of course intimately connected, so your perfect eyesight speaks volumes ;)

Keep doing what you're doing!

My 9 year old son has myopia. We opted for the rigid, overnight lenses. Put them in at night, take them out in the morning, sleep through the discomfort. They appear to be doing an incredible job, although they weren't cheap. The whole thing cost us around $1500 so far.
He'll need some new ones every couple of years, that'll be another $700.
If it gets him to adulthood with minimal deterioration it'll be money well spent.

I had never heard of this till now. Thank you for explaining. I looked it up and have just spent the last 20mins taking it all in. Amazing how things have progressed over the years.

I was comforted to see that "Once lenses wear is stopped, the cornea will return to normal over a period of about a month."

However, doing something so unnatural to such a sensitive part of the body is likely to have other effects, perhaps yet to be discovered, knowing this system hasn't been available for too many years.

And, as is the way with our modern medical system, you are treating the symptom and not the cause, which is of course, better for business.

Has he had myopia all his life?

He was fine at all his 4 yo check-ups, then we picked it up when he was around 7.
Got him glasses, which were fine at 6 month checkup, then very much inadequate at the 12 month mark.
Looking at our options, the optometrist said a lot of what you're saying; that compensating for the problem makes it worse, which is a real insidious trap.
Glasses focus the image everywhere, even on the sides of the eyeball, stimulating growth there and exacerbating the problem.
I followed most of what he was saying, but its all quite new to me.
He said the rigid ones only focus the image on the back of the eye, slowing the progress of the problematic direction of growth.
I figure if we take the long term approach and get him to 21 with as little correction needed as possible, not only will there be better options available when he's stopped growing, they'll need to be less drastic (whichever direction he chooses to go).

I also developed myopia at 7. It is a common age because it's when we begin the school system, forcing our eyes into unnatural situations. There is so much to say on this subject. Myopia can also be a reaction to an external stimuli. Something which makes the child want to blur out the situation they are in. That is certainly how it was for me. They would beat me at the boarding school I went to age 7 for things I didn't understand. So, my eyes reacted accordingly and permitted me to see clearly only that which I chose to put in front of my face. I was confused about the world I had been thrown into and afraid of it. In some ways I still live with this but I will know with certainty that I am free of it when I have perfect vision again ;)

It does sound like, for your son, this new system could have some benefits but for $2000 it is a lot to pay and I would personally keep reading about this subject as much as you can. Knowledge is power ;)

I wrote another post on this subject some time ago. You may find some value in it:

Really sorry that happened to you, Sam. That's no way to care for a child.

Ironically at that time it was considered to be the best in what UK education had to offer. And the most expensive too!

I am grateful in many ways. I learned how to break the rules using magic ;)

There is a new post today with a film and lots of new info.

Can't wait to order these glasses and get started :)

My eyesight has been in a steady decline for about 10 years (I'm in my early 50's), I'm convinced it's largely due to artificial lighting and the fixed focal distance when viewing computer monitors. My dog ripped a gash through the cornea with his claw in one eye a few years ago which didn't help much either.

I only use glasses if it's absolutely necessary, I have one of Baxters earlier books and everything he said made perfect sense about glasses having a progressive weakening effect. As you stated eyesight is a variable thing which changes under different conditions and sometimes I can read fine print without glasses. Reading under artificial lighting always seems to be the worst for me.

Does the method you will be using rely on eye exercises and pinhole readers etc or do the eye exercises come from the progressively weaker glasses?

The concept seems like weightlifting in a sense, any muscle group responds to progressively making the exercises more challenging over time and focusing is in many ways a muscular response.

A few drops of castor oil in each eye before bed seems to be helping me too.


I've never had glasses, but I'm beginning to develop age-related vision issues. When I talked to my mother about it, her mother started needing glasses in her forties too.
I'm not quite ready to accept this, so although I can't do the whole thing with you since there are no lenses to deal with in my case, I am definitely going to pay attention - and join the Facebook group too, because I'm sure it's easier to correct now than to wait a few more years until I really do need glasses...

"Age related vision" is a magic spell they use on us so that we expect it.

Absolutely, easier to deal with this now before it gets really bad.

Just like my receding hairline!

Which by the way is looking great these days ;)

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There's just something off about my 'style' which I can't quite put my finger on ;)

lol - glad to hear/see the hairline is improving!

Nah, I didn't need someone to use the buzzword on me... I started noticing the unpleasant changes a couple of years ago. I'm not going down without a fight, for sure! So, I'm doing more reading (book, not computer), to try to exercise my eyes at the close range stuff. Of course, I do a lot of reading/writing at the screen, and I'm sure that's one of the biggest causes today. Knowing the genetic part is important, but it's not going to make me give up!

I've only just seen that they approved my request to join the FB group, so I'll have to do some reading - but after the urgent and critical things for today have been accomplished.

This post is amazing amazinggggggg.
I am one with glassess so yes i am gonna read it all over and over again. Watch the vidoes, research more and much more.

Are you a member of the Natural Medicine discord group?

See if this link works if not:

...and look for the vision-recovery feed where I will be able to better keep up with everyone :)

Oh yes I am there, saw the channel too :) will be in touch there ;)

I'm on my early stage of having a poor eyesight but I don't like wearing glasses because it will limit my mobility it's difficult when you're not used to to it, your article gives me hope to regain good eyesight again thanks for letting us know the possibilities.

Are you a member of the Natural Medicine discord group?

See if this link works if not:

...and look for the vision-recovery feed where I will be able to better keep up with everyone :)

No, not yet but I will try to join on that link.
Thank you

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