I share my apples with this hare ๐Ÿฐ

in #food โ€ข 5 years ago


For the last two weeks I have been picking up apples off the ground each morning and adding them to my smoothie. It has been a real pleasure consuming them in the knowledge they have been grown naturally and are not waxed like the mass produced apples.

Just yesterday I noticed a hare having a nibble on one of them and was excited to photograph him. Had no idea they ate apples!

Hares are more solitary creatures than rabbits, distinguishable by the way they jump and the black tips on their ears.

Here are the two apple trees outside my current home.

And here is the evidence of hare munching!

I felt a sense of satisfaction sharing them with the local animals because you can be sure I am the only human around here who is eating them. The three other men I live with don't seem to eat fruit. Which is weird considering these apple trees are directly outside their home! Sadly, like most of the people I have encountered here in the UK they can only be described as zombies and my conversations with them last no longer than 30 seconds.

The lack of waxy outer layer means that insects can penetrate the skin.

When the holes get big enough wasps and flies will come and feast on them.

Typically there are just some little worm holes in the apples which have fallen to the ground and I have to spend a moment with each one cutting out the poop they leave behind. The worms themselves don't appear to be inside the apples. Perhaps they are the larvae of an insect and have already flown away?

Regardless, there are many new apples available each day and cutting a little bit out of them is no big deal.

Here they are cut up and in the blender, ready to add the rest...

et voila ;)


I also add flax, sunflower and sesame seeds along with any herbal supplements I have. Which is currently jiaogulan, amalaki, moringa & noni.

My smoothie is my lunch. Around 3-4 pints of pure fruit & goodness.

It is incredible how full I feel!

Normally I would share this quantity with my family.
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Alas, for now they are in France and I am in England.

Just 5 more weeks and my job will be done...

...shooting the construction of the UK's most advanced solar farm.
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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over two years.

old banner.jpg

Sam supports @naturalmedicine because they are seeking to help us in ways which go far beyond money. Please come and join us on Discord


All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.


All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image

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Dear @samstonehill,
you received an automatic upvote, because I believe in you and I love what you create! ๐Ÿ˜‰

A huge hug from @amico! ๐Ÿค—

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Thank you! :)

Hello @samstonehill
Wow, it's great that you feed on what nature provides.
And the image of the hare is lovely.
Excellent your publication and beautiful photos.
I'm glad you're soon with your wonderful family.
Stay Cool!

Hello there!

I have checked on your notes a few times over the last month to remind me what time of day to take my supplements ;) Thanks for that.

As for the apples I am so happy to have this opportunity and find it hard to believe this is the first time I've ever had an apple tree in my garden!

All the best to you :)

Youโ€™ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine!

I love having apple trees right in the yard for fresh picked apples. I use to make an apple pie smoothie with them - an apple or two, almond milk, 2 or 3 dates and some ground flax seeds plus cinnamon. Blend together and Voila a delicious nutritious smoothie! Your smoothie looks very delicious and nutritious too!

This fortnight, we're having a Herb Medicine Challenge, sponsored by Curie! You can win over 40 Steem in prizes. Check out the details by clicking here!

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Consider supporting Natural Medicine through continued use of the #naturalmedicine tag, or delegating any amount through clicking below. We're all for empowerment through natural wisdoms, and love to support those on their healing journey. Come join us on Discord if you're not already there! We'd love to have you! 50SPII50SPII100SPII200II500SP

Thanks for the recipe & vote! That sounds amazing. Way more like a 'treat' yet still remaining a healthy smoothie :)

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