Esteban further demonstrates his psychic skills while I scramble to protect my baby plants from snow!

in #psychic4 years ago

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For the last week Esteban has been begging me to make a sledge for him "because the snow is coming Sam" and I have been trying to explain how Winter is over and we should instead be building a boat to sail down our canal! He was not impressed by my suggestion and continued to insist we needed a sledge for the snow.

Moments ago I learned that snow is on its way tonight, despite the Summer feeling like it is here already. I apologised for doubting him and promised that today we would indeed build him a sledge! He wants one which looks like the image above but without tools this will not be an easy job. I will do my best with what I have.

Long have I known Esteban has special skills, demonstrated recently by his "Light Balls" encounter but now I am reminded to never doubt him when he continually pushes in a particular direction which might seem illogical to me.

He was born with a V shape on his forehead.

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Wise people in Bali's spiritual community told me it related to a heightened energy in his third eye.


He was about 6 months old when we moved to Bali, where we stayed for three years.


Here he is when we moved back to France. The V shape has become less and less visible due to his long hair, but as his T-shirt suggests, his "vision from beyond" remains :)


Luna also has special skills, but hers relate to the way she sees the world. Look closer and you will see the constantly dilated pupil of her right eye. We call it her magic eye.


I have no doubt she is able to see things others cannot.


What was i taking about again?

Ah yes, the coming snow!

By the way, snow at this time of year is completely unheard of here.

I shouldn't be surprised really. We are moving into the Grand Solar Minimum, meaning that growing seasons are getting shorter and winters getting longer. This will be the second 'impossibly rare' snow in the last month. My banana trees have only just recovered from the last one.

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Thinking about it I must also figure out how to protect this lot today!


As you can see, I have been having busy turning our courtyard into a food paradise.


You can just see the banana tree's new flower in the above shot. Everyone said banana trees don't produce fruit here, yet here we are with a flowering plant at the perfect time of year to see the fruit through to completion. The courtyard keeps them warm and my children keep them energised ;)

However, this beautiful developing flower (and all the rest) must be protected now from the snow.

What about draping old bedsheets over everything?

Does anyone have experience protecting young plants from snow?



We always covered our young plaants with straw when spring time freezings are coming. It always worked for us. Just cover them to where they are completely covered. When the threat of cold or snow is gone, uncover them. I wish you the best of luck as you will need this food in the near future. I wish you the best and we send our best happiest most living vibrations your way.

I wish I had access to straw. The French lock-down does not permit us to drive anywhere beyond 1000m from our home, so straw is a tricky one currently. We do have some plastic sheets we were intending to use for the allotment. The vertical gardening will likely have to live with bedsheets tonight!

Thank you for the positive vibrations my friend. Always appreciated.

Are you also active over on hive?

Yes I am on hive as well. I am being affected by a state wide lockdown and only essential travel is supposed to be allowed, so I'm trying to earn from every possible avenue.

Good stuff! Why not. Let us hope the price of steem doesn't sink over these next 13 weeks...

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