Cancer is the real reason we came to France: how can you help?

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


I haven't mentioned this on steemit before because I didn't think it would help in any way, but now that so many of you have become like my second family here and I understand better the concept of collective intention, I feel ready to tell you this story.


I met Sabrina while producing some films in Thailand. She was travelling with friends.


Shortly after we started living together in Chiang Mai she learned that her mother in France had a stomach cancer. This is a shot of her mum from before the cancer was discovered.


I agreed to travel with Sabrina to France and offer my support. I gave her mum Reiki and did my best to understand the bigger picture.

Three years on we have two kids and have just finished a two year stint in Bali.

The bigger picture

Cancer is not about being unlucky. It is about your lifestyle and a bunch of other factors including the way you think. Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion around this and the majority of people remain unaware that every human has the chance of optimum health.

The Gastric Sleeve

Sabrina's mum wanted to lose weight a few years back and was advised by her doctor to go for a gastric sleeve. Very popular these days apparently.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical weight-loss procedure in which the stomach is reduced to about 15% of its original size, by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach along the greater curvature wiki

Needless to say she lost the weight, as one would with their stomach now at 15% its original size.

Her doctor says the cancer is nothing to do with the procedure and that she is just unlucky, but I don't buy it. After paying a small fortune for the procedure she is now paying a much bigger fortune for the chemotherapy and morphine which she has been told to expect for the rest of her life.

Sabrina & I have shared with her our beliefs but they are met usually with anger, for the idea that we might know better than her doctor seems absurd to her. Which I can understand given the pedestals doctors are placed upon today.

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The road to optimum health is almost always about nutrition. So we brought her a big bag of Spirulina and suggested that she mix it with a fruit smoothie every day. She checked with her doctor if this would be okay and guess what he said?

She cannot have this high nutrition super food because it might mess with effects of the chemotherapy.

Instead he suggested that she drink coca-cola every day to keep her energy up. I am not joking.

The harder we push to get our message across the more resistance it is met with. So, rather than push we decided to come and live in the same village as her. To simply share our warmth and love. The children of course understand nothing of this and when I see Sabrina's mum light up with happiness at the sight of them I reminded of why we moved here from Bali.


After a month of house sitting...

we finally have the keys to our new home 🎉


It has been surprisingly difficult here in the South of France to find something suitable for a family with two young kids. We have been looking in the small village of Joch which is situated on the side of Mount Canigou in the Pyrenees, not far from the the Spanish boarder.

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Here you can see the building which will become known as our French base and home for now. It is actually the village mayor's office and we are renting the ground floor!


We will not live in this house for too long, but (crypto willing) we will continue to rent it for many years giving us somewhere to return after each of our international adventures.

It is our intention to give Sabrina's mum as much time with the kids as possible now, before popping over to the UK to see my mother. After this we will head back out into the world again.

How can you help us?

It has been three years since the cancer was discovered and she is no better now than she was then, so it is time for something bigger than just Sabrina & I.

I believe that focused intention is a very powerful thing and a collective focused intention even more so.

All I ask is that you look at this photo of Sabrina's mum again, but this time for a moment longer... and imagine her in perfect health.

Her name is Christine


With the photo, her name and knowledge of our location this should be enough for you to make a difference. I believe we are all Reiki Masters... we just don't know it yet.

Thank you for trying this for us 🙏🏻

Right now there is little else we can do but reassure ourselves that everything is exactly the way it is meant to be and continue reaching for the best thoughts we can find.

My love to you all.

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He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

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The power of positive affirmation is incredible. I send all the happiness, love, and good health to Christine that the universe has to offer.

As you indicated in this article though, nutrition is such a key factor in dealing with this. On top of that she has already received chemo, aka, poison. The number one side effect of chemo is cancer...

How are you so confident Sage? Well I am now 4 years and 2 months into my own cancer diagnoses. The doc says to me, "Sage, you got 3-5 years to live at best if you don't follow what we tell you to do".

I have not done a damn thing that western medicine told me to do. I did what I always do in life, I research it myself. I have used O3 therapy, I have fasted, but more than anything I commited to a whole food, plant based lifestyle for our nutrition.

I am not saying this works but I have no indication of any cancer present in my body. The tumors have reduced from the size of shooter's marbles to basically nothing. I have not returned to a western medicine doctor in 3 years. I went for blood work a year after my diagnoses simply to check the blood markers. Much to the surprise of the clinic I went too, the levels in my blood had been cut in half. I don't know where they are today because I no longer entertain their ideas. That sounds weird considering I have a couple degrees in western medicine and I used to be a proponent for it.

You know very well @samstonehill that today is the only day we have; this moment is the only moment we exist. Live it, love it, but always remember to care for the vessel in the process. It is what allows us in and out of this reality. I hope the universe sends the healing needed for Christine and that you and yours are blessed with all that is needed.

The Last Sage

Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story. I have heard many like yours and there is always a happy ending to them. Am so pleased you were able to find the information you needed and had the courage to do what felt right to you. Instinct is a wondrous thing when we are tuned in to it.

A huge congratulations for your achievement. No doubt this experience will open a whole bunch of amazing new doors for you :)

Cancer is an extraordinarily difficult thing. I lost my wife to breast cancer only four months ago. We used a combination of the standard western treatment and nutritional and alternative approaches. There were only one or two foods that the doctor said may interfere with her treatment (one was grapefruit). At the end of the day, it didn't matter for us. It's different for everybody though.

Cancer is by no means entirely luck but I think luck and genetics play a role. You can increase or decrease your risk via your lifestyle choices but you can't entirely eliminate the possibility.

I don't think doctors know everything but I do think the amount of study and research put into those treatments goes beyond what has been put into most other approaches. That doesn't mean it works for everybody but it does work very well for some.

I think nutritional / alternative treatments have a lot of promise but I also think they work better as preventative than curative. I have a hard time believing the miracle cure stories you see in places like youtube. Often there is no way to verify them and even if you can you don't really know if they are the 1 in a 1000 who got "lucky" (or whose cancer disappeared or went into remission for other reasons) or if what they tried was the legitimate reason for their cure. You don't typically hear from the people it didn't work for.

At the end of the day it is an individual choice. Listen to the doctors, research the alternatives and make a decision. It isn't an easy one with your life on the line.

Visualizing the best for Christine...

My heart goes out to you and I am deeply grateful for your honesty and calm reaction to the way in which I phrased this article. I suspect it will not be much in the way of consolation but it is my belief that the place we go after death is much more enjoyable than this physical reality. My father died ten years ago and I made it my mission to understand death better, reading numerous NDE stories. There was one written by a neurosurgeon I found particularly beautiful. He had spent his life telling his patients (who had travelled to magical realms whilst on life support) that it was nothing more than chemicals being fired off in the brain... until he experienced it for himself. After his own NDE not only was he convinced of an afterlife but he had evidence to prove it. He wrote a book 'Proof of Heaven'.

Thank you for your visualisation and I hope to bump into you again here on Steemit.

Thanks for sharing this with us. I know how hard it can be when family does not want to give our health advice much credit. We just choose to love and support them no matter what health choices they make, because it is afterall their life or death, not ours.

Thank you Linda. I knew you would understand. And you are right of course, just so very difficult to let it go and watch them continue their lives without changing their habits. Still, we are here now and we plan to stay as upbeat as possible and accepting of her decision.

Has she tried soursop leaf (graviola leaf) to treat the cancer? It is able to kill many types of cancer cells but not all strains.. it may be very helpful to her.

Thank you. I hadn't heard of this one. Will look it up now and suggest it. Though the food thing is a tricky one for her. She basically refuses to change any aspect of her diet, believing that the pills and potions are the only chance she has.

I looked at Christine in perfect health. I believe in healing and visualization.

Thank you so much. I believe too.

my mother having cancer family and I take care of her by Natural therapy

Natural therapy sounds perfect. If only Sabrina's mother would consider this. You will find so many examples on YouTube of people who have cured themselves from incurable cancers using nutrition alone.

I am imagining your mother in perfect health.

Feeling you brother, we are sending all our best intentions and love through the waves. We 3 be life in the power of intention, we will continue to hold her image in our hearts.

Seeing Christine, beautiful, ever being and becoming, blessed in this infinite moment. Fullness of love, light and joy beaming from the collective through her physicality. Flowing with clarity, focused intention and infinite ease. Willing her best health, happiness and freedom for as long as she wishes to receive.

Sending love, patience and grace to you and Sabrina. Esteban and Luna are the greatest energy healers Christine could have ever wished for, thank you both for supporting their mission too. I know how challenging it is to be heard through the fear and in-doctor-ination also.

A mother figure to me has also fallen for the same "weight-loss" stomach stapling sham. She has had serious health issues ever since and thankfully is slowly connecting the dots now. She is massively nutrient deficient and puts all he faith in the pills the drug pusher prescribed her. Re-member we are offered the opportunity to honor all paths, every way is a way as free will is the universal law.

Likewise it's a gentle offering of bite-size information and non-judgmental practice of unconditional loving that is the basis of our communications. I have found at times it is helpful to offer love to the vibrational cause of the misalignment rather than the manifestation of dis-eae and of course only when she asks.

You know as well as I do, from the absolute there is only the flow of wellness and then the individual disallowing of it.

Wholeness is balance.

Ps. May I repost her image in my next post with a link to your invitation to support her healing?


How right you are brother, the misalignment is not the cancer. This is only a side effect. I spent a week figuring out the 'bigger picture' before giving her Reiki three years ago and have seen glimmers of light from her since then. Many of the things we told her about at that time she is now discovering for herself. For example she is now meditating and doing breathing exercises. She proudly showed me her breathing app just the other day ;)

By all means post her image wherever you think this will help. I saw her yesterday and desperately wanted to ask if she felt better since all these beautiful souls here focused on her alignment, but in fear of her discovering my tactics I could not. Sabrina say she won't understand this and it will only make her angry...

So there it is.

Today is a new day and we are dressing up for the annual village carnival!

The new home is fab, though no internet for a week. Currently standing outside old home :)

Big love bro x

That is lovely to hear, she is my next post.. we will all keep sending her love and healing light any way, no need to understand when all is innerstood. And so, there it is and it is so. Looking forward to pictures of your carnival costumes! Less wifi = more connection! :)

My prayer for Sabrina mum. A Hope and love from us will give positive energy for her.

Thank you @happyphoenix for your consistent friendship & support here :)

You are right on the value of nutrituion fighting cancer! The closer you can get her to 'as picked'; the more good it will do her. Get rid of all sugar, cancer feeds on it; replace it with stevia and xyletol (sold here in combination as Truvia). Give her Tumeric to protect her liver from the chemo, and slippery elm to protect her GI tract form the same. Invite her over, and serve her stuff that is good for her as a meal. It will not hurt you, and it will help her! Green tea is a noble fighter she might not notice. Her doctor is an Idiot...Coke a cola, seriously, that stuff is cleaning fluid! Stinging nettle, when blanched, is as good a superfood as the Spirulina, but it will just look like greens. Juicing fresh vegetables can help her too, and they taste good, so you can share them with her and she won't even know.

You are a good Man to be so concerned for her! I pray that she returns to full health, and is able to watch her grandkids grow up!

I understand your frustration with Doctors, in 2006 they told me my wife has MS. They told me she would not get any better. It attacked her in her brain, and she was so confused, she thought the Doctor was a waiter! They also told me she would maybe live for five years. I dedcided western medicine sucks; and began studying hebals. I recommed it to you. Today, instead of loosing her seven plus years ago, she is improving, enough that the same Doctor is recommending she start walking again! We no longer use prescriptions, and both our heath has significantly, improved.

Thank you for providing all this great info here and for sharing your inspirational story too.

When we first learned about the cancer I did everything I could to learn more... and was pretty shocked by what I discovered. Just wish it was her doing the research as she didn't believe it at all. You are right, we could potentially get her to eat a few high nutrition foods but it would only be a drop in the endless ocean of a very french way of living. Meat, dairy, bread & sugar seem to find their way into every meal.

They do at least have endless fruit fields here and come summer we will be eating plenty of fresh peaches & apples. Though even these one needs to wash thoroughly for they are covered in pesticides.

Thanks again for sharing your story. We wish you all the best from France :)

Will continue to pray for her! Contact me if I can help, I have become pretty good with herbals. Tea is a great way to sneak in some herbal treatments.

Grandmothers are a great thing for your kids to be spoiled by!

Many people in my family left with cancer.
Chemo helps on one side but abyss of another place of the body even worse.
Courage I think of you in this test. All my positive thoughts are with you.

Many thanks for your positive thoughts. They are hugely appreciated :)

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