Anyone else feeling the full moon tonight?

in #fullmoon5 years ago


It is the one thing (other than the sun) which connects us worldwide. No matter where the moon is in its cycle we all see the same thing. The above image was from the blood moon last year, shot in France.

the blood moon main pic.jpg

This is where we are at today... A strawberry moon! Whatever that means.

Screen Shot 20190613 at 23.24.00.png

This one I shot at my mother's house a few weeks ago.


Back at home in the Pyrenees mountains sometimes I catch it in the perfect place at the perfect time.


I am always conscious of it. I feel it waxing and waning with distinct yet indescribable differences.

Did you know when the moon is full it is the best time of the month to sting your receding bits to stimulate new hair growth?

iccy 2.jpg

It is also the best time to fast as the toxins are being pulled from your body at an increased rate when the moon is full.

All so interesting!

Right... it's 1.30am and I'm gonna go do some moon gazing.

Which is not much different to sun-gazing really. Just a silent appreciation of its awesomeness with eyes & mind open to the infinite possibilities ;)



This is how an average 7h sleep looks like for me

This is how it was yesterday night

I kept waking up or having dreams.

So weird having an app to tell you that. How can it really know? Movement alone isn't enough. Sometimes I am VERY awake but in a motionless meditative state.

Still, interesting to see it. And see a slightly more disturbed night.

The A&E dept of most hospitals will confirm that there are more injuries during a full moon. People really do get a bit crazy ;)

I did feel it physically with a heavy head etc... the app is just some extra info. That app records the sound rather than actual movement, I'm wondering if my breathing pattern changes when I'm awake but not moving and thus producing sound.

The Moon and Sun does have effect on our body (full of fluid). That's also why some hunters and fishermen look at the solunar predictions.

I might add that moon gazing is a little safer than sun gazing . But whatever.

Absolutely love your photos of the moon comma especially that one over the Pyrenees. This moon has had me crazy creative and curious in a super fun and dynamic way. I am actually sorry to see it change. I love the moon she is such a beautiful and Powerful Force and a wise teacher too.

Posted using Partiko Android

I guess you never read my stuff on sun-gazing. In fact, it's very safe once understood, like most things.

I made this film in 2016 but started doing it regularly back in 2012.

Am just back now from a 5am session. 15mins of perfection with the horses and an orange orb filling my consciousness with something indescribable. Ready for the day now. Despite sleeping only 3 hours ;)

Sounds lovely. Staring at the sun rise doesn't sound quite as traumatic as the full heat of an Australian sun in the middle of the day in summer! Fascinating video and what a lovely spot to watch the sunrise. What you say make sense... fascinating that you could draw such energy that you did not need to eat. Yep for me? Too much yang. I have enough of that in my life . Give me sister moon to restore me.

Posted using Partiko Android

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