Still Mystery, 7 This Discovery Makes the Researcher Confusion

in #liputan6com7 years ago (edited), Jakarta Life on earth has existed since millions of years ago. Every year, life on earth continues to grow. Civilization continues to change over time. Because life has existed on earth since millions of years ago, of course, many relics from various civilizations. So there are always new discoveries in the world.

Today there are still many archaeologists searching and researching the priceless relics of the past. Of the many discoveries that exist on this earth, it turns out that not all inventions have satisfactory results. Many treasures of the past still leave many mysteries. Here are six unresolved discoveries, ranging from mysterious bronze stones to unknown books written in what language.

  1. Maine Penny


As we know, Christopher Columbus is the man who discovered the plains of America. Even in the history books of the world, the name Christopher Colombus plastered as the inventor of this super power state. But apparently, Columbus is not the first person to set foot in this country.

This is due to the discovery of Maine Penny. Maine Penny is a coin used by the Vikings. The presence of Maine Penny proves that the Vikings have set American lands before the Europeans.

Maine Penny was discovered by an archaeologist named Guy Mellgren in 1957. Later in 1978, an expert in the field of coins stated that the coin is genuine. Nevertheless, so many researchers say this coin is a hoax due to the lack of evidence and the absence of an archaeological record of the vikings that landed in America.

  1. Roman Dodecahedron


Roman Dodecahedron is a hollow object made of stone or bronze. It has 12 flat sides with holes. Then in every corner, this thing has a small circle. This thing has been found since 200 years ago. Although it has been found long ago, scientists still do not know the origin and function of this object.

There are several theories that still float about this thing. Some scientists say that these objects are astronomical measurement instruments used for the development of their farms. But there are some scientists who say that this thing is a form of trust.

Only one thing is definitely known about the Dodecahedron, which is a valuable item. Most Dodecahedrons are found among other valuables.

  1. Voynich Manuscript


Voynich Manuscript is a book invented in 1912. Voynich Manuscirpt is one of the books dating from the 15th century. This book has handwritten language that is never known.

Not only that, this book is full of codes, images of foreign plants, to strange objects never known to mankind. Most researchers consider the writing in the book to be the result of a 15th century public joke.

But there are still people who continue to research this book in hopes of finding a new knowledge for mankind.

  1. Dead Sea Scroll (Gulungan Laut Mati)


The Dead Sea Scroll is one of the most important discoveries in history. These scrolls are found in caves located near the Dead Sea. Years of archaeologists and researchers fought these caves. They found many writings in Hebrew.

These scrolls are estimated to date from 150 BC to 70 years after Christ. Since the discovery of this scroll, researchers are still confused who made this scroll. But most theories say, the scroll was made by the Jews in the year 70 AD.

This scroll has writing in Hebrew and Aramaic.

  1. Wow! Signal


The name "Wow! Signal" comes from a transcript of a captured foreign signal. The radio signal was captured by the Big Earyang radio telescope at the University of Ohio on the night of August 15, 1977. The signal lasted 72 seconds at a frequency of 1420 MHz, which is the frequency emitted by neutral hinterogenic gas waves in space.

This signal occurs only during the night only, so the researchers are confused with a signal that only appears once in a lifetime. The researchers estimate that these signals come from comets that accidentally pass near the planet Earth. But this is still a debate.

  1. Baltic Sea Anomaly


Baltic Sea Anomaly was discovered by Peter Lindber and his team in 2012. Lindber himself is a Swedish explorer. The discovery of this strange object managed to make scientists confusion about the origin and function of this object.

Many speculate that this object is a piece of UFO (Unindentify Flying Object). Until now, no one knows the origin of objects called the Baltic Sea Anomaly.

  1. Patung Moai


Most people have heard of Easter Island. Since it was first discovered, the existence of this island immediately seized the attention of the public because of the giant Moai sculpture scattered along the coastline of Easter Island. It is estimated, there are thousands of mysteries stored around the statues of the Moai on Easter Island.

Many people question how to make this statue, move it, and bury it. While the Moai sculpture was made made between the years 1600-1730. Surely there is no technology that mempumpuni to move objects giant at that time.

Not a few people speculate that the statue of the Moai occurred because of the interference of alien or alien creatures.


Reza Sugiharto

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The amazing article, I like it :D

Bereh2 dan mantap2 😂😂😂😂

Still Mystery, 7 This Discovery Makes the Researcher Confusion
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