in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

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Hello Steemians, good to be back here again after finishing my Achievement2 that was on basic steem security.

For today's sake I would love bro talk on on content etiquette which could be put in clear as as Plagiarism-free contest.

I would love to thank @cryptocannon for the tutorials she gave on this Topic.

In this Achievement I would be giving detailed answers to the content etiquette questions.

What is Plagiarism

I would love to say what plagiarism is in the way I understand, Plagiarism is the claiming of ownership of another person's literal works, ideas, pictures and contents as a whole without giving deserved credit to the source.

Plagiarism is synonyms to stealing in the literal and creative space, because it robs people of their efforts,time and resources, only to be used by another person who has no idea about the energy put into work and getting all the credit.

Types Of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is of different shades and in this write-up I will be listing them out.

Accidental Plagiarism

This is the type of plagiarism that happens when an individual omits him/herself from giving credits to the source and also changing and misinterpreting the sources quotes and articles.
This kind of Plagiarism is about interpretation of quotes and errors in citation.

Direct Plagiarism

This is the exact transfer of contents from a particular source to an individual's work word for word, omitting quotations from the articles or content as though it is been done by him or her. It is a literal crime that has to be stemmed.

Mosaic Plagiarism

This type of plagiarism is simply when an individual gets itty-bitty information from other sources and refuses to put quotation marks and cite the owner of the article. In another vein, it happens when words are being changed in an article to the nearest in meaning but still keeping the theme and meaning unchanged.


This is when a steemian or an individual repeats previous posts on other platforms or communities. It is actually plagiarism to duplicate or replicate an article on several platform even if it is created by you.

Plagiarism Significance

It is sad that people still take part in this erroneous act of self-deprivation. Strict sanctions are placed on people guilty of this offense of getting other people's brainchild as theirs, they lose reputation in the process and eventual suspension if the person is in the habit of it.

Plagiarism is a cheap way out as it kills originality and creativity in a long run, it stresses the fact that there is nothing like creating of content by oneself. Hence, you would be able to carve a niche and attract reads on your content.

How To Avoid Plagiarism

To say plagiarism cannot be avoided is falacious, plagiarism free contents can be achieved by channeling your energy into hardwork, by being detailed and carving a niche for yourself. Participating in contest and achievement tasks like this will expect you to give your own accounts and in a log run build your creativity

Giving credits to pictures and contents gotten will make you avoid plagiarism, if you have gotten part of your article from from another work make sure you apply quotation marks.

Copy and Paste is highly prohibited, so indulging in plagiarism should be disregarded totally.

Believing in oneself is the crux of having a plagiarized free work or content, be comfortable with your idea and have confidence that your hardwork will communicate well with other people.

I would love to appreciate @Cryptocannon for Achievement3 as I plan to go by everything I have researched and wrote.




 3 years ago 

Hi, @sammypoet,

Your post has been supported by @bright-obias from the Steem Greeter Team.

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