Super-Massive Lovely Word Attack!! <3 (My Poetry compilation)

in #love7 years ago


This is a compilation of nearly single poem I have written (I think?), hope you enjoy and looking forward to any feedback in the comments below!

The Lonely Traveler.

If there was a time, when I needed you,
I guess it would be now,
My breath on your skin, your lips against mine,
It makes me go "like wow".

We've traveled alone, through many miles,
Though you seem to weary none,
I guess its me there by your side,
Who helps you get it done.


My Love.

If there was a time when I needed you,
You were always there for me,
Through thick and thin and times between,
There will never be someone like me.

For only you see my true worth,
Look deep inside to see my heart,
And its true feelings are yours only,
To hold to cherish and to love.


Our First Kiss.

All my life I've felt alone,
Like trudging through a storm,
All I've ever wanted was,
Someones arms to keep me warm.

I never felt what true love was,
Till the day that I met you,
You have taught me what it is,
To have a love so true.

I've never been this happy,
Only existing my whole life through,
I have found that this kind of love,
Now exists between me and you.

We will always cherish this,
And live our life in bliss,
Darling I can hardly wait,
To share in that first kiss.


The Fairest Lady

My fair lady, keeper of my heart,
I long for the day when we're no longer apart,
the sound of your voice, the touch of your lips,
Its something that I, would rather miss.

Hold my in your arms so tight,
Don't ever let me go,
For if you do I'll surely fall,
Into the depths far down below.

Ive never met someone so kind,
I just want more and more,
would it be selfish of me,
To cherish and adore?


Love, in a rather nice way.

When i look into your eyes, what do I see,
A fire burning just for me,
With lips and hands and soft caress,
Lets make out here then lets undress.

A trail to your bedroom we make,
A cure to solve all heartache,
I lay you down and kiss your lips,
Each time they part i already miss.

With shaking hands i touch your skin,
Smiles and laughs cause I'm in such a swim,
I blush and giggle and look all around,
Then you pull me down without a sound,

We kiss and tumble all around,
And now we make quite a sound,
I gasp and scream and all things between,
As we consummate our love, whispering things unseen.


Love, Lost and Found.

There once was a day, when love came to me,
I thought it beyond belief,
Why was i given such an amazing gift, for to lose it, it must be.

I swore and cursed and beat my breast, swearing love wasn't my cup of tea,
And then a calm descended,
To be broken only by me.

I bode my time, waited many day/months/years,
Giving emotions a closed door,
Then one day something happened, my heart, it pained no more.

We'd both been hurt, broken, somewhat bruised,
Tho we found a way to heal,
It took only a day or two, for the old wounds to seal.

You know who you are my dear,
I tell you everytime your near,
Can't help but to let you know, I'm content when you are here.

Some of you will read this, and laugh, in a fit,
I cant help but hope for it,
While i type this, in darkness as i sit.

They say love is blind, but has opened my eyes,
To see a deeper truth,
Whoever claims love is blind, obviously ignored this.

Hold me tight to you, my sweet,
For in your arms i find,
The strength, solace, and compassion, enough for me to live on.

love lost.jpg


I sit and smile, happy with my work,
Knowing that you will be too,
My eyes and body grow weary now,
So to my bed i steal.


The Siren Calls

When the rains falling,
Like summers sweet tears,
I hear my name your calling,
It's me, you want quite near.

The siren calls me closer,
As you wait patiently,
And as we draw closer,
I'm pulled irresistibly.


The best kind of kiss.

A quick caress,
A long wet kiss,
Is all we need,
To get through this.

Look Inside.

If there was a time when I needed you,
You were always there for me,
Through thick and thin and times between,
There will never be someone like me.

For only you see my true worth,
Look deep inside to see my heart,
And its true feelings are yours only,
To hold to cherish and to love.


Amber Rain

The colour of fire as it licks the sky,
Does fire breath? does fire die?

The touch of her hands upon my skin,
Burns like the flames held within.

The fleeting touch, the soft caress.
Don't take it away, or ill remiss.

You are my only, my precious, my love.
And ill take care of her, carefully as a dove.


A prayer for the love tainted.

I want to be the last thing you think before you fall asleep.
And my name should fall from your lips when you awaken,
I should be your everything.. for without you I'm nothing.
Love me, as i love you.



Family, New for Old.

You treat me as tho I am a child,
Look down on me from above,
Then you wonder when i arc up,
And strike back without love.

I respect you opinions and hear your words,
Yet you treat me with contempt,
I don't know what you wish of me,
When my self-imposed silence is rent.

You are my family, I love you so,
More then I love myself,
I'm sure you would have a problem there,
So in your eyes, I look somewhat bent.

You may not know but i listen to you,
I'm just a person too,
I wish i could be more like you wish,
Alas I try and end up spent.

You are my family through and through,
I hope you realise this,
I want you to be happy here,
Please, lets fix this rent.

Treat me as tho you would like,
Not as a preteen child,
You may not understand me,
But I do this cause I love.

Expect from me what you give yourself,
For that is all I'll give,
Push me around and beat me down,
Then that is what you'll receive.


Existence is futile.

Do i mean nothing to you?
Are my words whispers in your ears?
And do i pale and vanish in your eyes?
I didn't think so, then why is it that i seem not to exist to you.

Why is it that one day I'm the world to you,
The next, fit for fodder,
Why is it that no matter how hard i try,
My efforts go unnoticed.

I think i shall just stop trying,
For this is the way of wounding,
If i spent my time solidifying myself,
Perhaps i would be stronger.

Better able to resist the lures put before me,
The feminine wiles.. temptations of the flesh,
Should i just withdraw from it all,
Make my existence, unknown.




Why is there so much hate in the world,
When there could be so much love,
Give out what you want to receive,
Hold people and be held,
Kick out and be booted back,
Grow up and you'll receive maturity,
Smile at a stranger, it might be fun.


They say its unattainable,
And yet. i see perfection every day,
Every time i see a couple walking hand in hand,
Or the first kiss of married folk.

The smile of a baby when it grabs its toys,
The movement of bodies in dance, in motion,
You can put words to such things, but i shall try,
Perfection is attainable, you just have to look for it.


The Police.

Others, staring into your mind,
Gauging your thoughts, your expression,
Why should it matter to them what you think?
How you feel, how you act?

I don't get why others wish to change you
Why cant the police just accept you for what you are.
Instead they try to force you to conform to their filters of life
Turn sideways and slide through the net, don't let them catch you.

Turn you into little clones of themselves,
Put you through the blender, and mix you all up,
Till your faceless, nameless, blobs of meat,
Moving through life like wind through grass,
Touching, brushing against, but never changing.


The Hydra and the Egg.

A wave crashes, spilling darkness across the pristine sand,
Movement there, Orb rocks on the beach in time with the waters slow cycle.
Strange flickering glow playing across and within.
"Born from the Fire raised by the Sea."

"Oh your Waves have such Meaning to me."
A formless shape moves within shadowy water,
Heads breaching, blowing steam into the oily air,
A monster? two? Nay, there was always one too many necks and not enough bodies.

A Calling, Communing, the Egg shifts,
A split forms marring the Perfection,
Colours swirl, forming along the rift.
Shell falls away, Vivisection.

The heads lower, One by One studying the shape on the sand.
Reborn form spreads its wings.
Awakened. It's cry echoes into the Infinite.
Wings stretch, they fly together.

Children Of the Stars - Stuff Of The Universe

We are all children of the stars.
Powered by the stuff of the universe.
Creatures of unlimited potential.
Embrace this power.
And you will find nothing can stop you.

Have a lovely day dearest readers. I know some of this is reposted from far earlier on in my Steem-It career. However I have chosen to place them all here so I can have a central repository to show anyone the entirety of my works!

I hope this does not offend anyone.

Much love, many hugs.



This post received a 20% vote by @eternal.witness courtesy of @sammosk from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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Talk about value in a post!

Thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful work. I write a lot of smaller poems as well. I'm waiting to post more of them until I have a larger reach.

It's nice to know that people are happy to see poetry on Steemit.
Thanks for being here!

Awesome title, btw!

I think you should start posting... all the best 💚

Your depths are true and vivid colors of our fragile human condition, love and hate, passion and longing. So many gems and pearls all in one collection. I find your spirit so deep and wonderful with love, hope and infinite possibly couched all in poetic dreams. Thank you for revealing a naked heart.

The colour of fire as it licks the sky,
Does fire breath? does fire die?

beautiful sentiment throughout, however i love the unanswerable questions in metaphor. all i see is love in your poetry. how could that offend? rather your words inspire purity and purpose. <3

This is great news. Well done!

Children Of the Stars - Stuff Of The Universe does it for me. This is poetic justice ✌️

Thanks for sharing this large collection of what the universe spills out of you.

You are a helluva wordsmith! Kudos! As a traveler myself I have a soft spot for the first in the series.

We've traveled alone, through many miles,
Though you seem to weary none,
I guess its me there by your side,
Who helps you get it done.

Super deep and an understanding tone. Excellent!

Much love!


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