The Need of Instructions and Mentorship

in Project HOPE3 years ago

When pilots fly airplanes, you will observe that there is one thing which is common with them - they are constantly connected to the control tower. The need for that connection is to get instructions from the control room on how to navigate the airplane. No matter how experienced a pilot is, once he is cut off from instructions, he will face heavy challenges. No wonder it has been said that "pilots fly by obeying instructions". Similarly, in other aspects of life, you need to follow certain instructions and come under certain mentorship for you to arrive at your desired dream.


Image from Pixabay

If someone has ever achieved a similar thing to what you want to achieve, all you need to do is to get relevant information and instructions from him on how he got there. The truth is, if you do exactly the same thing that they did in the same way that they did it with the same procedure, then you will be sure to get the same kind of result that they got. If you watch kids learn, you will understand that the major part of the learning is done through imitation. This is because when they observe and do what others do, they will become perfect in that thing.

You will agree with me that a lawyer will need to stay under the mentorship of another lawyer to emerge as a lawyer. A doctor will need to learn under a doctor to become a doctor. In the same way, you will need to follow the footsteps of those that have gone ahead of you in a particular field to succeed in that field. The truth is that everyone that makes it in life is a product of someone else.

The reason why when we write project or dissertation, we normally reference other authors, is because the project will not be complete until you have brought in other people's point of view and ideas into it. This is just to tell you that someone's success is a subset of another person's success. The need for mentorship can never be overemphasized because it is through this process that other person's success can be replicated in others. When you align yourself with the person that has made a considerable progress in a particular field and follow the same procedure he did, then it will not be long and you will replicate his success.


Image from Pixabay

More often than not, instructions may not be convenient and may not look too logical but for you to access the next level, you should follow it. Someone that possesses the kind of result you seek may not look like it and may negate your school of thought but if you want to get the same result, you need to follow their instructions. It is not a time to look at his status or other aspects of his life, you only need to focus on his mentorship.

No matter what challenge you have, someone has gone through similar challenge and has emerged successfully. It is left for you to locate them and tap from their experiences. It is worthy to note that the result that took someone years to figure out can be transferred to you in days, but it is your absolute prerogative to follow the person's instructions and mentorship and then you will get the same result.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hello friend, it is true, we are always learning from others, as much as we want to be unique there is certainly something of others in us and it is important to have a guide when undertaking anything we want to achieve. Greetings.

Rightly said, before we undertake anything, it is important for us to learn the thing and get better guidance from people that have undertaken similar thing before.

Thanks friend

Hello @samminador, I agree with you that we need a tutor in some aspects that we want to undertake, at first we do not always let govern by some model, method or person, to take experience and then transform it according to our needs.

So long, have a great start to the week.

Thanks for the nice comment buddy, yes we need to follow the instructions of mentors to achieve the same result.

Hi @samminator,

In every field experience and knowledge matters the most,

Therefore, in order to achieve a goal, mentorship + instructions are very important

Excellent read

That's right. To achieve quick success, one must be quick at taking instructions.

Thanks buddy

Instructions and mentorship is very important in life if you have good mentor you will always happy in life and have a good goal.

A proper planning and goal will always keep you ahead in life and happiness will always come to your life.

Greetings @samminador in any area of our life is ideal to have a staff to guide and advise us, hence the importance of tutors and to be able to have the experience of others who have already experienced or learned what we need.


Hi @samminator, you are right, we are always learning, and part of that learning is based on following instructions from people who have already traveled the road we want to go, this makes things much easier, having a mentor to guide us in achieving a goal can facilitate the task.

It is right that we need to learn every day but at the same time it is also important to understand the value of mentorship and a right mentor sequentially bring more value in terms of knowledge which is really necessary for us to grow. Nice post

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