Marketing Your Products Online: Tips

in Project HOPE3 years ago

We live in an era that is remarkable for an increased digital and online presence. At any point, the amount of people that are on their Internet-enabled devices - phones, desktops, laptops, tablets, etc, are excessively high. The more people shift their attention from offline to online, the more their online presence increase. This also means that most things, including marketing of products, is experiencing a paradigm shift to online too. To leverage on the online presence of this era to market your products, there are tips you need to have handy.


Image from Pixabay

1. Creating a website or affiliating with the website of others

To be able to effectively market your products and services, there is a need for an online presence - that is, a website. Obviously, people will need to read more about the products or you will need to tell them about the features and functionalities of the products. The easiest way to get these informations to them is to create a website and a weblink to point them to the right direction.

It is also worthy to note that in this era, many people have bought products or used a particular service simply because of the features that they read about online. Sometimes, when people need a particular product, their best bet would be to browse about it or use any of the search engines to search the category of the product. If your product is not represented online, there will be no way for the search engine to locate your product.

More so, you will be able to reach a widespread of audience online than offline. Marketing of products offline has already limited you by space and time, because you can only cover the regions within your reach. In online marketing, even places that you have not been to physically can know about your products through effective search engine optimisation.

Some websites will allow the customers to make purchases directly from the website and make payments, of which the products will then be delivered to them. This kind is the E-commerce websites, just like Amazon, Alibaba, Jumia, Konga, and a host of others. Some other web platforms only allows you to view the products and know more about it, after which you will contact the sellers for purchases. Some also come in form of blogs.

2. Using Social Media

As technology keeps getting advanced, the world is constantly being interconnected to form a global village. These interconnections come majorly through the various social media platforms available. The amount of people that are on social media at any point in time is getting increased. Hence, social media marketing is now a norm.

Social media has made it so easy for the world to be at the fingertips. Take Facebook for example, almost everyone throughout the world are connected to it (or any of the related media - like WhatsApp, Instagram, etc).


Image from Pixabay

One very good thing about some of these social media sites is that you do not necessarily have to build up a substantial amount of followers first before you can advertise your products. For a token fee paid to the company, your advert will get to the targeted audience. With the way digitalisation is going, a point will come when the traditional marketing system will be completely overridden by online marketing.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Social networks have become a strategic boom in online commerce, and as in times we saw in the future, they have arrived, if we do not manage these tools, our future in marketing is assured in these platforms.
excellent post

That's right. Social networking has set a precedence in online commerce of this era. The future has indeed arrived.
Thanks a lot for the nice comment buddy

Marketing is the most important part of any product we manufacturing. If you don't do proper marketing you willl not get sales and no sales means no profit.

Creating a website or affiliating with the website of others

In this current situation online presence is very important as we have seen in covid those who have online presence they are getting sales and generating profits.

We need to upgrade according to the market demand and conditions. So that we can survive competition.

Exactly. The covid pandemic era opened up the world to a whole new possibilities in online marketing. I believe the market demand is shifting towards online.

Thanks for the comment buddy

Hello @samminator! Hope you are doing well.

Marketing techniques keep developing and for me, social media marketing is the trendy one especially when you could choose the audience you want your product to reach, either from age or anything else that might affect and increase the views and make a reputation for your product. I would like to say that using new methods which must include high creativity can easily make your marketing so successful, all it takes is creativity and great planning.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!

Well said. To be able to use the online marketing strategy, one must apply a certain level of creativity to it.

Thanks A lot for the nice comment buddy

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