Maintaining Good Personal Hygiene; A Pathway To Healthy Livingi

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

A lot of sicknesses that many people suffer are related to hygiene. The truth is that if you get it right with your hygiene, you will avoid, to a large extent, some illnesses. During the last covid pandemic era, a lot of people learnt personal hygiene the hard way - like washing of hands regularly, etc. In order to live a healthy and disease-free life, you have to be conscious of your personal hygiene. Here, we shall be looking at a few personal hygiene to maintain and be serious about, and even make it a good habit.


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Top of my list is the hygiene related to taking regular bath. Bathing is among the principal and fundamental things when it comes to taking good care of one's hygiene. As a matter of fact, one cannot claim to maintain personal hygiene if they do not take their bath regularly. The human body is designed to go through some metabolic activities, like sweating, etc. More so, dead skin cells may also remain on the surface of the body. What bathing does is that it removes these dry skin cells, clears the skins of the dirts that we encounter from the environment, removes body odour and all, and also makes the body cleaner. You will agree with me that there is a feeling of freshness that comes when you have taken your bath.

In addition to this, also be cautious of the kind of soap you use in relation to your type of skin. If you have hypersensitivity skin, you might just opt for a mild and moisturizing soap, so that you will not end up harming your skin in the name of bathing. More so, you reduce the risk and likelihood of contacting communicable diseases (especially the ones spread by body contact) when you take your bath after returning back home, so as to wash away the germs that may be resting on the skin before it gets absorbed into the body.

In addition to taking regular bath, one should also be conscious of their oral hygiene. The best practice is usually to brush your teeth at least twice a day - in the morning when you wake up, and at night when you want to sleep. When you brush your teeth well, you will eliminate and prevent plaque and other unwanted things in the teeth and also remove mouth odour and bad breath. In addition to brushing, you should also try to use mouth wash to kill bacteria, also flossing is strongly encouraged. One thing to also add to this is to regularly change your toothbrush. It is recommended that you change your toothbrush after 3 months or so.

Another personal hygiene to also take serious is your hand and nail care. These include washing your hands regularly and then trimming your nails to avoid dirts breeding inside them. Before eating, it is a good practice to wash your hands with soup, but in a case where the above is not available, you can make do with hand sanitizer, preferably the one that is ethanol-based. All these are to remove the germs that the hands may have picked up while touching dirty things.

The next personal hygiene to consider is hair care. You will be surprised that some people do not take care of their hair and it may begin to grow lice. To prevent this, you have to wash your hair regularly, adding shampoo will also be good to prevent dandruff and other hair-related issues. You can also trim the edges to make it look good.


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The last personal hygiene we will look at is dressing. Wearing clean clothes does not just make you appear adorable, but it also wards off some disease-causing germs. You do not need to wear your clothes more than once before washing them, especially the undergarments. It is weird that some people can wear one undergarment (especially the male boxers) for two days. I mean, it is not healthy and it may predispose one to germs that can cause one thing or the other. Always remember that you have only one life to live and as such, you have to try to take care of it the best possible way you can.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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