Living Each Day "One At A Time"

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Do not worry about tomorrow, try to live today first

The above quote was said by one of my mentors and I see truism in it. More often than not, people are worried about what tomorrow holds, while they have not fulfilled the demands of today. The truth is that it is the actions that you have taken today that will ultimately become a determinant of how your tomorrow will be. Trust me, today is the day you have, so try to make it count. Why bother about the future when you have not satisfactorily lived the present? So put in your best today and the today will create tomorrow.


Image from Pixabay

In this era where everything is moving so fast and social evolution is occuring at an incredible rate, a lot of people are so concerned about thoughts (or worries) of the future without taking into account the actions of today. On the same hand, many others are stuck in the past over what they did that should not have been done, or over what they should have done that they never did, but they forget that today has presented them with an ample opportunity to take that step that would bring about their desired change tomorrow.

I once read the fictional story of a particular farmer that always taught about having a bountiful harvest. He even went as far as renting a warehouse in anticipation for when the harvest will come. But in all these, he was so preoccupied with the thoughts of harvest that he forgot to plant any seed. After years of thinking about the future in futility, he understood that the future was no where to be found because he did not maximise the present by planting seeds.

It is true that thinking about the future is good, at least it will help you to maximise your actions and to keep you focused. But you should understand that the thoughts of tomorrow should not substitute the actions of today. It is the actions that you take today that will help the thoughts of tomorrow to come to manifestation. The promise of tomorrow is fulfilled by the actions of today. This is the reason you have to see each day as the required tool to effect the changes that you desire. A friend once made a statement that I found very insightful. He said and I quote;

Nothing stands on nothing.

That is, for something to stand, there must be something to support it. In the same way, today is the structure upon which your tomorrow will stand on. This is why you have to live each day with the understanding that you are making the structure upon which your tomorrow will stand. To maximise your day, you have to live each day as if it is your last opportunity to make your actions to count. With this in mind, you will not take careless or erratic actions. The reason why a lot of people do "anyhow" is because they believe that they will still get another day for other actions. However, they forget that any day gone is already gone, whether you utilise it or not.

The same number of days in week that you have (7 days) is the same that others have, but what makes a difference between the results that each person derives in the day is the actions they have put into their own day. This is why I believe that "works bring result." The kind of results you want to see in your tomorrow should form the basis of your actions today. Each day comes with its own opportunities but to what extent you maximise the opportunity is dependent on you. Many people complain of lack of opportunity but they forget that each day is an opportunity that should be maximized.


Image from Pixabay

To live each day at a time and to live in the now, you have to focus more on the actions that will ultimately bring you to the fulfilment of your dreams, which will also bring you fulfilment. As you grow and mature, you will realise that it is not all actions that are worth taking and you are absolutely responsible for the results of your actions. But much more than that, you are also responsible for the results of your inactions. So act when you should and what you should act.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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