Discovering Your Purpose [Part 2/3]

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Everyone is born with various unique abilities and as such, the purpose that each on is built to serve varies from person to person. The beauty of life lies in someone discovering their purpose and then work towards it to actualize it. In our last episode, we considered a few things that can help one know the area in which they are gifted. Here, we shall also consider a few tips on what can point someone in the right direction towards the discovery of their purpose. Note this: it is the purpose that you discover that you can actualize.


Image from Pixabay

1. People's honest and sincere opinion about you

There are things about yourself that you may not even notice but someone else that sees you may notice. More often than not, people's sincere opinion about you can point you to the right direction. Or when many people are saying the same or similar things about you, then there is something that they are seeing about you and you should listen to their opinion. Even though everyone is entitled to have their individual opinion, but there are, sometimes, elements of truism in it. For example: while growing up, there was this guy (the son of one of our family friends) that loved to sing. Each time he is alone or doing the house chores, he would be singing.

Singing became part of his subconscious self even without him realizing it. They nicknamed him "bathroom choir" because each time he was taking his bath, he will be singing loudly. During morning devotions, he was normally called up to sing. A point came when everyone began advising him to consider taking a profession in the music industry as a musical artiste. Well, he went ahead to study engineering but even right in the school, people saw his talent and started telling him that he will do well in the music industry. A day came when a musical contest was held and he was encouraged by his friends to participate and surprisingly, he won.

After winning, he realized that all these while, people saw his talent and their opinions were actually right. That was how he decided to go into the music industry. At this present moment, he is one of the top celebrity musicians in the country. You see, people can actually see your talents even when you are yet to discover them, so do not take their honest opinions for granted. If the majority of the people you come across say a particular thing about you, then it may be true because all of them cannot possibly be lying to you.


Image from Pixabay

2. Dare your fears; try something new

Sometimes, it is the cave that people are afraid to explore that holds the treasures that they are earnestly looking for. Each time you try something new, you are opening up yourself to a whole new view and perception about life. You may not really know what you are good at or what your strengths are until you try something new and most times, something daring. I remember a story was told of a particular radio station that normally broadcasts a programme at a particular time every week. The programme got so popular that people normally tuned in their radio just for it, and it was hosted by a particular lady.

A day came when the lady was unavoidably absent because of some health reasons and was going to be away for a few months. When the time for the programme came, the guy that normally set the office before the programme was told by the media manager to handle the programme for that week so that by next week they would have gotten a replacement to serve in the interim. The guy did amazingly well that everyone was surprised at how well he did it. After the programme, he was asked to continue with the programme and that was how he entered into broadcasting. If he had not taken that initial step to try something new, he would not have discovered his broadcasting acumen.

It is worthy to note that everything, including the journey to the realisation of your purpose, starts one day. The starting phase may be full of challenges but keep at it and you will be surprised at the outcome.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Greetings @samminator

it is the cave that people are afraid to explore that holds the treasures that they are earnestly looking for.

Absolutely, as human beings, we prefer to stay in our little comfort zone rather than explore new things but in the end it is not good for all

excellent read

Well said. Many people are only being held back by their comfort zone.

Thanks for the nice comment buddy

Excellent writing. I believe that in order to find your life purpose or all the ones you have, it is necessary to have a sincere opinion of ourselves as you have said. We must at all times have a clear idea of who we are and what are your capabilities, skills, aspirations and especially our limits. Thank you for sharing.

That's right, thanks a lot for the amazing comment dear friend.

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