Consistency; A Necessary Tool For Success

in Project HOPE2 years ago

I remember the time I was learning back flip during my younger age many years ago. It was like an uphill task because I had to try it over and again. At a point, I fell and hurt my leg but I still did not give up. I was consistent in the practice, both with supervision and without supervision. Finally, after about 2 weeks of consistent practice, I finally had my first successful back flip. This may not look like an achievement to many people but to me, at that time, it was a major breakthrough for me. This was purely as a result of determination and consistency.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is that mastery does not fall on people, it results from constant practice and being consistent in what you do. What consistency does is that it forms one's habit, which also create their character for them. This is why your consistency should be based on something positive - on your goals. It is worthy to note that it is not what you do sparingly (that is once-in-a-while) that creates the desired success but what we do once-and-again. No wonder this saying has it that:

Practice makes one perfect

When trying out something for the first time, it may not seem too easy but with continuous efforts and with consistency, you will begin to do it with ease and you will get better at it. I remember when Hussein Bolt (the world's fastest man) was interviewed about his amazing performance, but when he revealed his training routine, I quickly understood that he actually worked his way to perfection. For a hundred metre race, he would train for months and for many miles, no wonder he was able to ascend to the top of his career.

Without consistency, success may not be in view. It is the attitude of consistency that makes you to do something repeatedly until mastery is achieved. I am sure that many of us are familiar, or know a few things about martial arts. For someone to become a master in a martial art category, he must have earned it through consistent training and becoming better with his skills and so. No one confers the title of a "master" without proving that he is deserving of it. So to gain mastery, there is a need to fuel your determination with consistency.

When you do something over and again, it becomes part of you and you will not have difficulty in doing it again because it is now a habit to you. The same way, when you set goals and give it all it takes and hit the target, and then set another one and repeat the process, before you know it, it will become part of you. More so, it is the cumulative of the little goals which you have attained that will give rise to the major success that is desired.


Image from Pixabay

Consistency, in a much simpler term, is the process by which an individual focuses their attention on the present task, while also having also having their vision on the future goals. For consistency to be possible, there is a need for patience. If you observe bodybuilders, you will understand the power of consistency and patience. The day they started working out, they may not see the result immediately. Even after a few days, there may not be any noticeable difference, but with patience and consistently working out, they will eventually get the kind of body they want.

It is worthy to note that success is not something that one builds overnight but what is built over time through consistency and patience. Just to let know, true success does not have a shortcut, you have to go through the process for you to obtain the result. More so, you should also know that success is not a once-and-for-all attainment, but it is a continuous improvement and being better. That is, beating your own records and setting new ones.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


hello @samminator
one of the greatest representatives of martial arts once said "I do not fear the man who trains 10,000 kicks, I fear the man who trains one kick 10,000 times", consistency and repetition are the basis of all mastery.

I love that quote from martial art. It explains what consistency signifies.

Thanks a lot buddy

Excellent topic that you share with us in this opportunity @ samminador, which makes us reflect on how important it is to have that degree of determination and constancy in our lives, which undoubtedly helps you build your way to success.

Yes, success can be built when someone's determination matches with their consistency.

Thanks a lot buddy

Greetings my friend, determination is essential to achieve each of the goals we set, so we must be intentional and planned people to achieve the success we want. Entertaining reading, greetings

Exactly, determination is needed for someone to achieve their goal, then consistency is required to keep pushing it through until it is achieved.

Thanks buddy

Hi @samminator

Well said "When you try something for the first time, it may not seem too easy, but with continuous efforts and with consistency, you will start to do it with ease and get better", I would add we will start to see positive results that will make our days easier times.

Best regards, be well.

That's right. Positive result comes from being consistent in positive things.

Thanks a lot buddy

Sometimes success is by luck. But if you keep showing up everyday and making efforts, then you're probably going to get lucky one day. Consistency draws us closer to perfection and success.

That's right, perfection definitely comes from consistency.
Thanks buddy

Hello @samminator, as usual you share with us another excellent delivery which I totally agree with you, where it is worth highlighting what you express very well:

It is worth noting that success is not something that is built overnight, but is built over time through constancy and patience.

You are absolutely right and we have to keep this in mind at every moment of our lives if we want to be successful. Greetings and thank you for such extraordinary content.

Thanks a lot for your nice comment and for coming around buddy @rbalzan79

Greetings @samminador.
In life, perseverance allows you to achieve your goals, no matter how hard and difficult they may be, if we are not persistent we can not reach the end. not everything is easy, there are many times to try several times and constant practice will allow you to improve it.
Thank you very much for sharing.

"Practice makes one perfect"

Very good post @samminator.

There's a line from the movie Rocky, “It's not how hard you can hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward…that’s how winning is done.”

Keep trying, keep trying and keep trying…we will eventually get to our destination.

Hello buddy!

consistency is the key of success in all life tasks and it's a need to achieve our goals in life. I love that you gave an example of body builders since it's really obvious that sometimes it takes months not only weeks to notice the difference and the success you've made just like everything in life.

Thanks for sharing!

You are completely correct. No matter what part of life you look at, consistency is always key. Whether it is learning a new skill, going to the gym or being in a relationship.

Great post! :)

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