PaperCurrency Vs Cryptocurrency

in Tron Fan Club3 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum

Hope everyone is well. Paper currency is the current currency in the whole world. It means paper money. For example, money is exchanged in Bangladesh. Dollars are exchanged in America. All these are paper currency. On the other hand, cryptocurrency is a currency that is developed depending on mobile and computer. It means you can see it on mobile or computer if you want but you will not find any existence of it in reality.



It can also be called a digital currency. According to researchers, paper money will disappear in the future and digital currency or cryptocurrency will be used all over the world. The common reason for something to disappear is that people lose interest in that thing or it can be said that the thing starts to disappear when people get something better than that thing. Seeing the benefits of cryptocurrency, everyone is starting to use it. As a result, there is a lot of discussion about it. There is no need for banks in cryptocurrency. Transactions can be done very easily using technology like blockchain technology. Moreover, digital currency has no ownership.



It can be said that everyone owns it. Here people can easily trade from one country to another. Not only that because it is digital it can be used by anyone from anywhere very easily. However, it is still illegal in many countries. This is because many people misuse cryptocurrency. One can transact in such a way that one's identity remains anonymous. Many people try to spread money by misusing it. Which the government of any country does not see well.



Moreover, there are a lot of scams in this market. But here the fault lies with those people who do such bad things. Cryptocurrencies cannot be blamed here. Crypto is being used in many fields these days. Only if we use it properly can we take cryptocurrency far. Moreover, it is not possible to do this. So friends this was today's post. Seen in a new post. Thanks everyone.


A very nice article about paper currency vs crypto currency, both currencies have pros and cons.

Thank you.

 3 months ago 

Even though crypto is really fast developing, I still believe it will actually take a long period of time before we see it manifesting actually to dethrone paper currency

Ya, crypto is developing very fast. Now it is very improved. Thanks for reading.

Presented an excellent post on PaperCurrency Vs Cryptocurrency. There will be no paper currency in the future. Cryptocurrencies will rule the roost. I learned a lot from your post.

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