in #ideology7 years ago (edited)

Since the beginning of time it has been the role of the male to be the protector and provider of his household. He was known as the head of the house. No opinion or judgement of any kind could be passed without the heads permission. With the passing of time, society began to change. The male was no longer the only bread-winner of the family.
Maybe it is because Mohammad Hussein said that:

“And just like men are responsible of the society, women also are equally responsible of the society they live in”.

In Terms of House-hold matters:

The Past

Men used to go out of their houses with the aim of earning money in their minds. They were the only source of income for their families. The women instead of going out to work themselves, they were to be the guardians of the house while the head was gone. They were responsible for the house chores as well as raising and educating their children.
Google Images

The Present

But this is not how it is nowadays, with the rise of feminism and women rights associations, men and women now work side by side in order to earn a living. They both have become the bread-winners of their families, the head or the male used to be the one holding the prominent position but now that position can be attained by women as well. The house chores are now shared by both spouses and they both are the leaders of their home.

In Terms of Roles in Society:

The Past

In the past if women were given jobs, they would only be restricted to positions such as those of clerks, and employees, and men were the managers and CEOs’ of the company. Men were given the big roles, they were the rulers of the country.

The Present

But not long after, women broke through this fabricated ideology of men being the only one having the right to rule. Women slowly and gradually progressed and in the end managed to obtain greater roles then men. Men’s position in return turned small and insignificant. He became no longer, the only shining star.

It was Mao Zedong who was of the ideology that:

“In order to build a great socialist society it is of utmost importance to arouse the broad masses of women to join in productive activity. Men and women must receive equal pay for equal work in production. Genuine equality between the sexes can only be realized in the process of the socialist transformation of society as a whole.”

Stereotypes of Genders:

The Past:

Men used to be the stereotype of brave, emotionless and fearless. They hid their emotions. They were taught the fact that real men do not cry. They used to suppress their own emotions in order to give their family support. He was a symbol representing a protector, even if he were afraid himself he would still put up a brave front. If his emotions were hurt he would still remain calm and did not lose their composure.
Google Images

The Present:

Nowadays men have become more approachable and now they have started expressing their emotions. Man is now more sensitive than some women. Women who have become more rigid and intelligent and men who have become softer and kinder. Now men help out at home, cooking, feeding their children, cleaning the house and doing the laundry, which was originally supposed to be the duty of women and women alone. Society used to see men doing their chores as weak. And women working outside their homes as women with impure motives. Now not only has House-husband become a trend, working women has also turned out to be a norm.


In the end, the future generation is watching their strong fearless mothers and kind and soft hearted fathers.

Thus the girls are becoming more and more rigid and losing femininity while boys are becoming more dull and lazy watching their fathers. It seems like the roles of both genders has been swapped.
It is as Fred Ward says:

“I think we are struggling with trying to redefine various positions at this point in history. To allow freedom for women, freedom for men, freedom from those sharply defined gender roles.”


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Gender equality. Now adays gender does not matter anymore because men can do what girls can do and also girls can do what men can do. Even my father and mother has changed their role, my father is the one who is doing the household chores now and my mom is the one who became the bread winner. :)

I'm glad you think gender equality isn't an issue any more. Can I nudge you a little further and suggest that you may want to say either "men and women" or else "boys and girls"?

I definitely agree with you on this one. Men and women are becoming equal, as they should have been since the start.

In my opinion, I think this is because society in general is becoming more open. And not just in gender roles (for instance, we see this in the growing acceptance for the LGBTQ community as well).

And I believe this is a good thing.

It may have taken 20 years (and perhaps more) before this fluidity in gender roles has been accepted. But it has happened. And I have no doubt other "issues" will follow suit as well, given the right time.

Is great ideology. Men and women is equal.

The title made me think about the topic and this is a thing i want to share with you .
Nowdays , men are treating their wifes like crap as they are their slaves , and men sit all day on couch and if they want a cup of water of whatever they ask for their wife to do it . This family is ruined and the wife is destroyed .
Ofcourse there are exceptions .
This is the world we are beginning to explore .

Do you have any data to back your claim up? Or is it just bullshit you “think” happens? I would say the situation you are discribing is the exception and definitely NOT the status quo.

@sameer777. much as i respect and champion the course of gender equality.There are certain things that must retain their status quo namely Men as the protector and provider of the family and Women as the backbone of the family as a whole while at the same time kicking ass and taking names in every workplace.It is sad to see that the original idea of what a family should look like and feel like is being eroded by the insane demands and trends of the modern times.We should not pursue all the wealth of this world burning time that should otherwise be invested in the lifes of our loved ones.There should be no competition between the sexes only love and the desire to raise up the next generation in the best way possible.

I agree with where you wind up, but I'm not entirely sure your idealized notion of the traditional family ever truly existed. Men are not really "the protector and provider" when a woman is battered every 9 seconds in the US, and 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence in their lifetime.

The women I know who are in the workforce, myself included, aren't there because we enjoy competing with men. We're there because we have to earn a living for ourselves and our families. And I have to tell you, that's harder to do when, as a woman, I earn on average 79 cents for every dollar a man earns. That's a stat from a May 2017 Business Insider article, and that's 54 years after the US passed "the Equal Pay Act." So maybe there's still a little room for improvement. What do you think?

This post has received a 28.06 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @sameer777.

Your point of view is solid but still has some issues. We are in changeover period, which means inconsistent implementations especially in society. Some of us backing positive discrimination which means -from my point of view- contempt to women. ie Women can work but not in mines kinds of judgements putting either men and women in an unpredictible situations. I, for example, can not predict when make positive discrimination. And feminazi is growing day by day because women can not predict it either.

Point is, society should choose a way to treat man and woman. Is there an equal treatment or positive discrimination? If positive discrimination, what is its borders? When do i use it?

Possibly it will take one ore two decade for us to attune these amended roles.

Yeah. Society is changing, but not by most people’s choice. They are being forced to accept these new socially constructed rules that a mother can be a full time CEO of a company with zero negative ramifications to her children’s upbringing. Yeah right.

The kicker is, if people take their future into there own hands and create their perfect idea of what a healthy society should be, or try to have a more homogeneous culture, progressive institutions will try to infiltrate your society/culture and undermine it. For whatever reason they don’t want the traditional family structure to exist. They make ridiculous claims like traditional gender roles are slavery, or they force diversity on you with propaganda that diversity is strength. Where’s the data on that? I think they just make this shit up! They want everyone to miserable like them!

It's interesting that you tagged this as an #ideology and #lifestyle article when your topic concerns #politics and #power. The fact is that women didn't join the workforce 20 years ago because of the feminist movement. Working-class women have always worked outside the home. That's a socio-economic reality older than your great-grandmother.

In the 60s and 70s when I was growing up (so really, a lot more than 20 years ago 😉), my parents worked side by side in the workplace. And neither one of them was "dull" or "lazy" or "rigid." They were partners.

That's my ideal family--loving parents, partners, aunts, uncles, etc., (of whatever sex: M/F, M/M, F/F, and any combo of non-binary adults), working cooperatively to raise healthy, self-assured, intelligent children.

You don't need to worry about changing gender roles because the world is a very big place with a lot of wonderful diversity. You will definitely be able to find a partner who shares your values, traditional or progressive or anywhere in-between.

That's the really wonderful thing about secular, multicultural societies: no one is going to force you to live according to their values as long as you don't try to make them live by yours.

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