Root canal treatments - Are they safe and healthy?

in #health8 years ago

root canal graphic - Dr Jacques Imbeau

A few weeks ago my dentist took one of my root canal teeth out. He told me that the ongoing release of toxins into my bloodstream was putting undue pressure on my immune system.

I always had thought that a tooth was a lump of ivory with no circulation, but that’s not so. Each tooth has its own dental fluid circulating from the inside (where the blood supply is) to the circumference.

This dental fluid travels through miles of tiny canals (tubes) and when, as part of a root canal treatment, a dentist takes out the central section of the tooth, it needs to be sterilized before it is sealed. It turns out that sterilizing the inside of a tooth is physically impossible… What ends up happening is that bacteria get trapped in the tooth and these bacteria are then encased in an anaerobic (oxygen starved) environment where they can secrete very toxic substances.

These toxins can cause quite severe health disfunction, because every time you chew these toxins are released into the bloodstream.

Most dentists who apply root canal treatments don’t know this or are unable to come up with an alternative. No health professional will ever recommend to keep a dead organ in your body, but when it comes to root canals all of a sudden the dental profession throws caution to the wind…

Don't let your dentist tell you that a root canal is your only option, or that it is a safe one, it is not.

Teeth are like any other organ in the body, in that they require a blood supply, lymphatic and venous drainage, and nervous innervations. When a root canal treatment is administered, this is taken away and you’re left with a dead tooth in your body.


So what are the alternatives?

Search for a dentist that offers ‘ocalexic root canal therapy’. This method uses a alternative root canal sealer that has an antibacterial effect. Teeth that are treated this way have a better chance of not developing anaerobic infections. Apart from conventional diagnostic methods my dentist uses ‘autonomic response testing’ to keep an eye on one of my teeth that was treated with ocalexic root canal therapy some years ago.

If your root canal treatment has been done a while ago, it was probably done with a conventional sealer, treating it with ocalexic root canal therapy will probably not make much difference if your tooth is infected.

The alternative is to ask your dentist to take your tooth out. My root canal treatment was done 22 years ago in which case there was little point in using the ocalexic method. So I decided to have him take the tooth out.

After the extraction my dentist put a little bone graft in the hole where my tooth had been, a porous ceramic material that helps stimulate bone growth.

After a few days of feeling feverish, which are the effects of the body getting rid of the remaining toxins around the site of the root, I felt great. The hole in my jaw healed over in three weeks, but it will take about 6 months for the bone to grow back.

I feel better and have more energy since my tooth was taken out.

Following extraction I have three options:

  • a dental implant.
    This seems to be the best option but also the most expensive. A ceramic material is inserted in the jaw bone to replace the root, a tooth is built on top of that.
  • a fixed partial denture, commonly known as a bridge.
    A bridge uses the two adjacent teeth, which are leveled, they become vulnerable as they will be hard to keep clean. Not ideal.
  • a removable denture. Cumbersome!

In six months I will opt for the dental implant, which will in the end look like my old tooth. It will feel somewhat different due to the fact that the ‘periodontal ligament’ of the tooth, which provides sensation while chewing, has been removed when the tooth was taken out, but other than that this seems to me the best option.

If you live in New Zealand, check out Dr. Jacques Imbeau, a very good dentist and naturopath.


Yeah, you're right in my view root canals are worthless, a waste of money and even dangerous. I had one molar that i acceded to have root canal, two years later it was giving off a bad smell and incredibly it was hurting, funny because supposedly there should be no nerves there. So I took the only decision I could take and extracted it, my problems were completely solved. If I had known, I would just have extracted the molar and also saved on the cost of the root canal which wasn't cheap. My advise is don't let them convince you to have a root canal.

so you're in NZ then?

Now Australia.

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