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RE: Running without pain.... freakin' finally.

in #exhaust6 years ago

Awesome to hear you're running pain free! Good on you putting in the extra stretching work. I've not even attempted running on my ankle yet :( can't wait for my pain-free-run day in the future


Oh yikes... how long has it been now?

Yeah, I kinda hate stretching, but I think tying it as a 'post-computering-pre-bed' wind down is working well for me... still I've got a trillion more things that I should be doing for my elbow... but it's hard not to think that physios are just heaping you with exercises until your body actually does just heal itself.

but it's hard not to think that physios are just heaping you with exercises until your body actually does just heal itself.

haha totally thought this many time too!

I'm at 12 weeks as of today 😅. I naively thought I'd be back running in 1 week. The Norwegian doctors words were. "Your ligament is badly torn or it could be completely gone 🤷‍♂️" It's slowing getting better and generally feeling progress each day. Still very unstable but working on rehab with plenty of balance training.

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