in #life7 years ago

hi! community, today I come to talk about a topic that many times as individuals we are worried about it.

¨¿ really loneliness can have some benefit ?¨

Many times we are so concerned about generating good interpersonal relationships, for sharing our things with friends and family that we forget to spend time with ourselves.

The daily bustle is usually increasing, and we are always in a hurry to get along with the boss, with the friend, with the boyfriend and what to say about the in-laws and other relatives, but ... and us? Where is our own love?

Here are some reasons why you should reserve time for yourself.

1- Loneliness is a bigger and firmer step towards our independence

Giving us a daily time to reflect, and think about us, is that it lets us flow ideas of new dreams, more difficult and complete goals, and above all, it lets us see clearly the way to fulfill them, this is how an independent person it develops.


2- Being alone we give more strength to the couple relationship

However illogical it may seem, it is true that by respecting the spaces of each person in the relationship, when we realize that we are not half of anyone, but that we are complete beings, we are able to value ourselves and love ourselves in order to value and respect the another person and dignify the story they are doing together.

3- Only by being alone can we listen to our interior

We ourselves are our best advisors, but if you do not listen to that little voice that gives you security in your next step, ¿how can you possibly give it? Solitude strengthens trust in each one of us.

4- Imagination does not disappear, it just locks up

How many times have we heard that the best ideas come up in the bathroom, ¿is that true? and it turns out that we usually go to the bathroom alone, because solitude sometimes results in a strong shock of imagination and creativity that the hustle and bustle does not let flow, peace and tranquility will result in a flow of ideas and creativity for the solution effective of problems.


5- So much information will become negative sooner or later

Throughout the day without wanting it that way, we are bombarded with information, a relevant other not so much, a good other bad, but at the end of the day, sooner or later everything becomes negativity for us, we can not bear with so much the days. So a few moments to prioritize information and get rid of what you do not need, makes you more productive and less grumpy.

Then you know!! breathe, and give yourself the time you think convenient to continue with the difficult routine.


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