Has the Global Insurrection Begun?

in Informationwar3 years ago

I messaged my friend in Sydney in July posing the question – has the global insurrection begun?

A report last year by Amnesty International revealed that European authorities have not only cracked down on protests, they have used the plandemic as a smokescreen for pursuing a pattern of silencing dissent.

With the introduction of “freedom passes” across Europe there has been a definite uptick in protests.


These passes seek to divide populations between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. To persuade us all to get this experimental vaccine the state is having to show its strong arm. This is going to lead to unprecedented restrictions never seen before in the West outside of war.


In France where the yellow vest protests have been going since 2018 this has now expanded. The French have occupied theatres and held picnics on the streets to protest the restrictions that are being imposed on non-vaccinated people.

Italy has seen a huge surge of protesters in Rome following the proposed “green pass”. Poor old Nancy Pelosi had to be escorted from the church she was visiting in Rome. From the 15 October any worker who doesn’t have a vaccine certificate will be suspended without pay.

One protestor said;

"We are neither anti-vaccine nor pro-vaccine. We are for free choice. Those of us who do not want to get vaccinated do not do so out of ideology but because we realize that there are so many doubts and perplexities about this which is in fact an experimental mass vaccination." — Protester, Genoa



Currently the dockers at Trieste (a major logistic hub for the EU) are blocking entry to the port in protest against the vaccine mandates. This shows the coming together of worker action alongside protests.

In Poland law enforcement officials have used the plandemic as an excuse to fine protestors even when they were complying with public health mandates. Thousands of protesters turned out in Vienna, Austria. The Netherlands has seen huge consistent demonstrations, 25,000 turned out in Amsterdam last weekend. One of their key demands is the return of music festivals.

Despite bans on outside gatherings it hasn’t stopped demonstrators in Berlin and other parts of Germany from protesting their government's Covid measures. Even in Tel Aviv, with the highest rate of vaccinated population, there have been protests against the introduction of “Green Passports”. This is just a flavour of the protests taking part across European society.


Make Life Difficult

Political leaders like Angela Merkel and President Macron have vowed to make life difficult for the unvaccinated. The police response has been brutal, with tear gas and water cannons employed against demonstrators.

This is not just happening in Europe. In Australia and Canada strict plandemic measures and vaccine certificates are being introduced. Large demos down under has been the response to a heavy handed plandemic response in a country that feels relatively unaffected by the virus.

Protests in London last month saw action as hundreds gathered outside the MHRA headquarters (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). So far Covid passports have not come to the UK. This particular protest was against the increasing calls for children to be vaccinated. However, the UK can’t be too far behind everyone else especially as the Republic of Ireland is soon heading in this direction.

Of course there’s an EU digital COVID Certificate. Currently over 60% of the European adult population is vaccinated. This slowed in July when it became obvious that having the vaccine did not stop people from contracting the Delta variant.


Protests in the US have been sporadic but spreading. More than a 1000,000 workers are involved. What is of significance is the coming together of anti-Covid measures with workplace dissatisfaction. Case in point is the unofficial strike by workers at Southwest Airlines after the company introduced a vaccine mandate. This resulted in the airline having to cancel nearly 2,000 flights whilst blaming it lamely on the weather.

Healthcare workers have been at the forefront at standing up to the mandates. Same goes for law enforcements in for example Chicago. Now parents are protesting the vaccination mandates for high school children in California. It's happening all over and from all walks of life.

The US is as indebted as Europe, if not more. However, a big difference is that whilst the ECB is holding interest rates near zero – the US (probably by agreement) stands a full basis point higher. In practical terms it means that the interest on the debt that must be serviced is a much higher percentage of GDP.

When the percentage of GDP that goes to simply service a debt is high it means there is less money for a government to spend on its people. Americans still have no universal health care. Infrastructure is crumbling. US multinationals have off shored so many jobs that all that are left are poor paying service sector jobs.


This creates a powder keg of industrial unrest which we are now seeing explode across the US. We have had the successful Frito Lay strike. Currently 10,000 workers are on strike at farm equipment firm John Deere. Thousands are poised to strike by behind the scenes workers in Hollywood (which despite massive support was called off last minute) and a strike across Kellogg's factories are some of the headline movements.

A trend seen now is for employees wanting to contract new staff on worse conditions than original workers. 24,000 nurses and other employees at Kaiser Permanente consortium in California voted to strike this month over changes to the contract of new staff which similar to the John Deere issue.

Anger from below has been building. During the plandemic many workers faced extremely trying conditions. Now, they feel they deserve better pay and better working conditions. In face of this the companies are threatening to off-shore their jobs.

Global Insurrection

The people of this world are getting fed up. Fed up with how work sucks. 4.3 million workers gave up their jobs in August in the US. Fed up with the billionaires ever increasing wealth in the face of declining living standards for the rest of us. Fed up with the levels of control our governments are seeking to have over us.

The protests, the “freedom” passports, the police brutality, is not confined to any one place. It is a truly international phenomena. Once they take away our freedoms we are unlikely to get them back.

The fact that many of these vaccine certificates are being labelled “Green” passes shows the direction in which we are heading. The next focus after we move on from Covid will be the “climate emergency” and the need to control consumption and make sacrifices all measured by your green pass. Soylent Green anyone?

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