Contest Entry On the Tips of taking good care of the Lips.

in India Speaks3 years ago

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing great . Well this is the first time I would be taking part in
secret beauty's contest and I'm really happy about that.

Firstly when comparing your lips to the rest of the your skin,we have to know that the lips lacks
oil glands, which makes it dry easily and tend to become rough and sore.

To prevent dry, rough and sore lips, we should always be hydrated.

Constant drinking of water will keep the lips moisturised and prevents it from drying as well. Its
recommended to take six cups of water daily , that's minimum.

To make the lips more healthy, one should also avoid the habit of licking the lips cause it makes
the lips more dry and chapped.

We should cultivate the habit of taking in more fruits example citrus fruits.

Another tip for lip care is the application of lip balm which mostly should be sun protective. We
all know the lips receives much exposure to the sun specifically the bottom lips. They can be a
common spot for skin cancer as well.

Therefore it's also important to apply lip balm at least every three to four hours especially after

I mostly apply the lip balm as I always walk with it.
When using lip balm products, we should use the rightful once as well.
When using lip balm, we should be cautious as to which type to use. It should at least be
recommended by a dermatologist.
We do not just use any lip balm we come across.
I normally use vaseline lip balm cause it's mostly recommended and very good for my lips as
We can also moisturise with aloe vera
We can exfoliate our lips as well by using soft and wet wash cloth and wiping our lips with it

Thank you and I hope you all will like my remedy.

Below are the pictures of my lip treament.



PHOTO-2021-05-20-22-44-46 (1).jpg



Nice remedies.
Best of luck

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