Fanny episode①・おもろいエピソード①

in #japanese6 years ago (edited)

Hi. Steemit friends? I’m going to write about my fanny episode. It happened when I was studying for a nursing collage entrance examination. The subjects of the examination included mathematics that I had hated. When I was a high school students, my score on the mathematics have always been 8~15 out of 100. I have not studied mathematics at all. So I couldn’t pull up any knowledge about mathematics out of my brain.

Then, I tried to attend a cram school recklessly at my age 37. There was a very good cram school in my neighborhood, which school is very popular from elementary school students to high school students. I went to the front desk, and asked “Is it possible to take only mathematics classes?” She asked me “How old is your child?” I answered “Not my child, but me.” She was watching at my face as if she had seen a ghost. Her fingers turning over documents were trembling. I thought she was really afraid of me. In conclusion, I gave up math classes at a cram school because a tuition fee is expensive.

I decided to study high school level mathematics by myself. However, even though the sentence of questions were written in Japanese, I couldn’t understand them at all. What is a prime number? Factorization??? There were not any questions that I could answer among past tests of the nursing collage. I had to look up math words in a dictionary. Then I bought an excise book for a junior high school students, and studied about an inequality. I studied and studied and studied, and finally got to the level of an excise for high school students.

I used to get up at 5:30 AM every morning and read long mathematical formulas aloud to get them all in my head. I think it was no good to open my room’s windows because it was a very hot summer day. According to my mother, the next-door neighbor asked her “Did your daughter join a religious organization or something? I hear her reading sutra every day.”

There was a rumor that I came back home after divorce, and holing myself up at home without working even though I had a son. When I started to attend the nursing collage, I told a lie to my neighbors saying “I’m working.” I didn’t want to be given rise to some scandal or other because I had divorced. But 5-years-old my son revealed my secret saying “My mother studies in school.”

At that time, successful examinees of the state examination appeared in a newspaper. So, one neighbor called me and said “congratulations, I found your name on a newspaper.” Because my son said something that he shouldn’t have, I was obliged to put strong pressure on myself when I took the state examination.

I thought I should have studied hard so that I didn’t have trouble in my future.
Thank you very much for reading this post through to the end.

See you soon.

皆さま、こんにちは! 今日は、面白いエピソードについて書きます。私が看護学校に入学するための受験勉強をしていた時のことです。受験科目に私の大嫌いな数学がありました。高校生の時、100点満点中、15点とか、8点とか、取っていて、とにかく数学の勉強をしていなかったので、思い出そうにも私の脳には数学の痕跡が全くありませんでした。


私は独学で高校生の数学を勉強することにしました。ところが、問題文が日本語で書かれているにも関わらず、意味が分かりません。素数って何? 因数分解とは? 看護学校の過去問を見るとひとつたりとも分かる問題がありませんでした。そこで、広辞苑で問題文の意味を調べることにしました。それから、中学生の問題集と解説を買ってきて、不等式なるものをやってみました。どんどん勉強して、高校生用のチャート式問題集へと進みました。

毎朝五時半に起きて、たくさんのながーい公式を声を出して頭に叩き込んでいました。暑い夏の日でしたので、窓を開けていたのがいけなかったのだと思います。一緒に住んでいた母によると、お隣の奥様が「お宅のお嬢さんは、なにか宗教を始められたのですか? 毎日お経の声が聞こえます」と言ってきたとのこと。



父も母も勉強しろって言わなかったもんですから、数学はいつも欠点! 8点をとっても平然としていました。いい根性してますでしょ? 全国の受験生に自信をもってもらいたいです。





I must restudy math too i am terribke at it, a big mess!

Thank you for your comments.








Congratulate for your persistence. I like it in you that you are aiming at the goal you set yourself, not many people can do that.
Love to hear about your life - you had a lot of interesting story to tell

Thank you for reading my story 🌹

I'm very glad that you enjoyed my story. thank you for your commnts💗

Thank you for your comments.

“Did your daughter join a religious organization or something? I hear her reading sutra every day.”

I laughed so hard at this for some reason. Thank you for the much-needed levity! I too had to work hard at math, so I understand your pain. :)

I'm very happy that you laughed at my story.


家族が歴史に強くなるとは! すごい団結力のご家族ですね。私は誰にも勉強しろと言われず、のべーっとした子になりました。







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