Things you need to know about me

Good evening 🌆 everyone....


I know there are actually times that we have been able to overcome what life has to thrown to us expectedly or unexpectedly but the truth is there will be times we will actually face difficult and tough moments.

There are times where we face rejection and you keep pushing and pushing but it actually looks like things are not moving forward as it ought to. At that particular time, we might actually be so tempted to give up and feel like there is actually no hope any longer probably because of what actually we are facing or what we face. We might actually be facing what we don't actually plan for.

There are times in my life I have face difficult moments that I was actually planning to give up because I thought there is no more hope for the future any longer. But the truth is I have actually come to discover that we will be faced with difficult moments just that we must continually strive never to give up because that will be the end.

I have come to discover that whenever there is life, there is hope and so it is on that hope that we should always rely on. It will not always be like that and there will always be light at the end of the tunnel and that is just the truth. We must never give up because giving up is not the option. Keep pushing, the result actually lies in consistency. The consistency must keep going and going no matter what.

Yes you might find everything so so hard for you right now but let me tell you that life is not actually design to be easy at first. You will need to keep pushing and pushing and pushing and never give up. People who succeed in this world are those who did not give up. They are those who continually keep pushing even when convenient or it was not convenient. They keep going and going. That is actually how it should be.

So I am here to tell you that no matter what you might be facing right now. It will not last forever. You will smile at the end of the day.


Things might look like it is not actually working right now but trust me things will definitely work at the end of the day only if you did not give up. The mistake you will make is giving up when there is light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up yet. Everything will be alright at the end of the day.


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