How is democracy functioning in my country Nigeria

in Hindwhale Communitylast year (edited)
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Greetings to Everyone

Democracy is believed to be a form of government where the masses decides who to rule or represent them. But then, what happens when we choose our leaders, do they represent us, or their self-interest? As you continue, you will see learn democracy functions in my country Nigeria.

How is democracy functioning in your country

In my country Nigeria, democracy has been delicate and flimsy, fluctuating since her independence. The different administrations have bumbled in trying to create the meaning of national unity having more than 200 ethnic groups with democratization and development progressing at dissimilar velocities in various regions of the country.

Nigeria as a country officially became a democratic republic upon gaining its independence from its colonial masters, Great Britain in October 1960.

Nigeria is said to have a federal system of government which is modelled on the democracy of The United States of America. This system of government is divided into three arms of government, namely;

  • The Executive arm,
  • The Legislative arm, and
  • The Judiciary

Where the executive arm of government is headed by the president, the legislature is comprised of the National Assembly of the Senate and House of Representatives, while the judiciary is headed by a supreme court of the nation.


Elections are held every four years for the masses to elect their choice of President, Senators and House of Representatives members. However, it is the president who appoints the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court.

Is your country free from any domination ruled?

With everything I have said about Democracy in my country above, someone would believe Nigerians enjoy the true reward of Democracy right?

However, it is not always as on paper, Nigerians do not enjoy true democracy, due to its hard-core corrupt political class, its dwindling electoral processes, the ruling class, shrinking civil freedoms (such as freedom to vote or be voted for), and weak democratic organizations.

Nigeria suffers from nomination rule from the rich and the more populated regions and ethnic groups of the nation such as the Northern and Western Regions, which house the Hausa and the Yoruba ethnic groups. These regions and ethnic groups practically determine who rules the affairs of the country.

Is your country self-sufficient in food production?

First and foremost, what does it mean for a nation to be self-sufficient in food production? Self-sufficient means not needing the help of a second party, hence a country being self-sufficient in food production refers to the ability of the nation to meet the food needs of its population from domestic production.

Therefore, is Nigeria self-sufficient in food production? The answer is "NO". We all hoped that by having fertile lands, we would be able to meet the agricultural needs of the nation, however, this is not so as there are a lot of other factors that contribute to the production of food and agricultural needs in a country, such as technology, supporting agriculture schemes, research, machineries etc

Nigeria suffers from food insecurity and insufficiency as a nation as they lack in the depart of technological advancements, government support, research and growth, effective farming practices and ways of processing and storing agricultural products. Hence, the reason Nigeria imports virtually everything, even when we have these needed agricultural products, we export them as raw materials and import the processed items.

How is youth employment in your country?

Youth employment means, the giving of jobs to the young people of the nation usually in the range of 18-25 years. In looking at statistics, Nigeria's rate of unemployed youths is terrible. An economic statistic X (formerly tweeter) account by the name @Spectatorindex says Nigeria is the 2nd highest Youth unemployment ratio of 53.4% at the end of July 2023.

IMG_20230819_140904.jpg Screenshot from X (fka, Twitter,)

However, the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) begs to differ, as the sum of 42.5% is indicated on its official website at the time of writing this article.

Screenshot from the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics

Be it 53% or even the lesser figure of the NBS, 43% which is still a massive index compared to the fact that 70% of the nation's population are youths. Therefore, the rate of employment of youths in government jobs is Terrible and appalling.

What do you want your country to be like?

As a citizen of Nigeria, I always want was best for the nation, therefore I would like my country to be a sanctuary for all its citizens, a nation where we all get to enjoy equal rights and benefits not minding our region, culture and ethnicity.

A nation with good and functional national amenities such as constant electricity, adequate health benefits and education, unshaken security, and good infrastructural developments such as wonderful roads connecting the nation.


My view of Democracy is that, as we get to decide those in power, we believe that they will help us attain greater heights thereby improving the lives of the citizens of the nation.

I love to invite @yakspeace, @ninapenda, @ruthjoe, @f2i5 and @suboohi

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

It's not strange for this specific country like Nigeria to have a whole history background thanks to the enough valuable resources that of course will be boosting the wealth of the nation.

Excelente publicación.


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